Washington Fines Six Chubb Subsidiaries $534,000

January 25, 2011

  • January 25, 2011 at 9:29 am
    Richard says:
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    Kreidler is a headline grabbing goon. He couldn’t make it in a real profession, eye doctor, and one always on the government payroll, so now he buys into yet another government job and struts and preens for the media. The consummate bureaucrat. It is a sad state when the power over insurers resides in an unbridled donkey who can suspend first and ask questions later. Of course, the insurers pay because it is cheaper than fighting and more efficient. Note that Kreidler caved on the suspension since all he wanted was crowing rights. Would someone out there please make him eat crow?

    • January 25, 2011 at 7:36 pm
      Hmm says:
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      Richard, you need to read this more carefully. These companies have a long history of being unable to comply with the law. They have been audited repeatedly and repeatedly failed to bring their operation into compliance. After so many years, what would you expect a regulator to do to get their attention? We don’t know if they couldn’t or wouldn’t comply, but by their own admission, they were wrong. Half the fine was suspended but only if they comply, something they’ve failed to do before.

      They are only being asked to do what every other insurance company is required to do.

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