Oregon Proposes Relaxing Motorcycle Helmet Law

April 1, 2011

  • April 1, 2011 at 1:45 pm
    Nancy - Oregon Resident says:
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    $25,000 in PIP coverage isn’t going to do a hill of beans when it comes to paying the medical bills of someone who has head trauma via asphalt. Which means the taxpayers of Oregon will foot the bill for the unpaid medical expense.

    Last time I check the State of Oregon and its residents need not be placed in a potentially avoidable situation just because someone wants to have the wind breeze through their hair.

    Leave the helmet on… and Mr Politican backing this change… go work on something that will help our State in a more meaningful way.

  • April 26, 2011 at 5:40 am
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    80 percent of fatal highway head injuries come from automobile accidents. I bet Ms. Nancy would pitch a fit if anyone made her drive around with a bucket on her head. How on earth would she drink her latte?

    But this will not be decided in the court of public opinion. I will not even be decided in the state legislature. The campaign trail is the road that all candidates must travel, and that is where the decision will be made.

    Motorcyclist will be there, waiting for them.

  • June 2, 2011 at 11:12 pm
    joan says:
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    The science and research is very important for people to make informed choices. I believe in helmets but i have no right to make decisions for others.

  • July 10, 2011 at 7:49 pm
    Spook says:
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    bull s–t i’m a biker and have been since i was 16 and now 64.
    bikers have the right to choose to wear a helmet or not. we
    have to much goverment telling use what to do. i do agree that
    anyone under 18 needs a helmet.

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