Eastern Oregon Man Dies When Train Strikes Grader

December 20, 2011

  • January 7, 2012 at 8:37 pm
    leigh ann mills says:
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    My father would be alive today if umatilla county and the union pacific railroad and weren’t neglect and would’ve taken preventive steps to insurance my dads safety while he performed his job near tracks! They’ve had many issues with accident at this crossing cause it doesn’t have flashing red lights or crossing arms and on all sides of the tracks there are burms that make it all most impossible to see if there’s a train coming. The burms need to be removed and the over growth of weeds cut down. A few preventive safety steps like a simple phone call from umatilla county to union pacific railroad saying we have men working on tracks and need to know train schedule so we can get the men out of way when train comes thru! Or flaggers watching for the train and signaling when one is approaching! Or remove sound deadening earmuffs ( required by OSHA ) when working on tracks! Slowdown (70mph) is to fast to be going thru that area. Ironic…..went to homedepot …..walked around corner and see a slowmoving forklift with a flaggers in front and one in back each waving 2flags! They got flaggers for a slow moving forklift but nothing for a 70 mph train???? Please watch out for trains cause they don’t give a shit bout you cause your smaller! Umatilla county and union pacific railroad need to be sued so they wake up and pay attention and fix that train crossing before someone looses their life! Love ya dad miss ya and a big part of me died with ya!

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