Nevada Governor Signs Law On Driver Privilege Card

By | June 3, 2013

  • June 3, 2013 at 2:03 pm
    Renoscs says:
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    What else are we going to give the ILLEGALS? Being is the USA as an ILLEGAL doesn’t mean anything. Why in the world are the laws in this regard not being enforced?? I’m sick and tired of helping to support ILLEGALS with my tax dollars. The ILLEGALS have the biggest entitlement attitude the world has ever seen!!

  • June 3, 2013 at 11:07 pm
    TA says:
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    Does this mean the INS/Immigracion will do a round-up of illegals in Nevada?
    Or does this mean that I can now write more insurance for those with these Driving Privlege cards?

    What stake does Mr.Sandoval have with what group to get this signed into legislation? Maybe his contributions received record book should have forensic analysis?

  • June 4, 2013 at 8:44 am
    MA says:
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    Once again a state demonstrates their open arms for illegal aliens and rewards them for being in the country illegally. They excuse this by stating it will make the roads safer and result in illegals purchasing insurance. If they won’t obtain the proper authorization to enter the country, what makes legislators believe that they will maintain the insurance once they prove they have it for the driving card? I’d like to know what concession the Republicans got from the Democrats for this one?

    • June 23, 2013 at 12:49 pm
      dn2364 says:
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      That’s right MA…and they are about to become Legal….this is the land of the free…and these people are braver than you!!

  • June 4, 2013 at 6:53 pm
    just visiting says:
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    “Applicants must provide proof of their identity, such as a passport or birth certificate, as well as Nevada residency.”

    Oh no!!!!! This will place a burden on these poor folks, why oh why do they have to prove who they are???

    yeah, nevada’s illegal population has exploded – because they find arizona so inhospitable.

    viva sb1070
    viva sheriff joe!

  • June 23, 2013 at 12:53 pm
    dn2364 says:
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    That’s right….combined…they are bringing more money into this state than you…they take care of your family and friends when visiting our casinos and hotels…so you should be praising these good people…you are just a part of a small minority of…ungrateful americans…who will soon become a white minority

    • December 31, 2013 at 8:14 pm
      Renoscs says:
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      Dear dn2363: If BS were snow, you would be a blizzard!!

  • December 31, 2013 at 4:58 pm
    Gigi88 says:
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    Its about time!! Now all we ned is for the non- functional (not even disfunctional) congress to pass immigration “reform” law. Super surprised by Sandoval — No, i didnt vote for him!

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