San Francisco Sues Gun Companies Over High-Capacity Magazines

June 12, 2013

  • June 12, 2013 at 2:24 pm
    When will it stop says:
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    If you read the opinion of the AG’s office there is nothing wrong with what these folks are doing. The crime would be for the purchaser of the repair kit to assemble the parts in the kit to make a new high cap magazine. I guess since San Francisco can not find anything illegal in what these companies are doing they will just try to put them out of business with bogus law suits. What a crock of ****!

  • June 12, 2013 at 2:41 pm
    jim says:
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    And is the city also suing, fining and putting in jail all of the drunks who care less about driving without licenses and who have, and continue to, maim or kill others in the past year? What has the city done to prevent these unlicensed drunks from obtaining more booze?
    How many Californians have been killed by drunk / drugged drivers
    versus the number of those killed by guns with high capacity magazines? Is the city suing the liquor stores. NOT!!
    Money and taxes are more important to the city fathers…everywhere!

  • June 12, 2013 at 6:05 pm
    Huh! says:
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    Best go after the stores that sell alcohol, prescription drugs, and the component parts for meth. Never mind blaming the end user; they couldn’t wreak their havoc if the stores didn’t enable them, so why should they bear the responsibility ?

  • June 13, 2013 at 4:23 pm
    bob says:
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    the california ban does nothing that a determined criminal can’t overcome. all he has to do is call his cousin Joe in an other state, Joe buys the item and ships USPS or UPS. takes a few days longer; same end results.
    maybe the prosecutors office and law enforcement officers should focus their time and energy on something more productive.

  • June 14, 2013 at 1:08 pm
    No Doubt says:
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    I agree with @Bob. Right now if I wanted to buy a fully automatic “assault rifle” machine gun in violation of Ca laws, I could do so if I wanted to spend the money in any major city in Ca. It would be completely illegal, but its very doable.
    Likewise, you can buy the parts for almost any weapon online and have them shipped to you from almost anywehre in the world.
    While I do appreciate the sincerity of the folks who think that “we must do something” to halt gun violence and as a result propose another law, we fail to enforce the laws we have now and until we are willing to identify and remove the people who are willing and able to use guns in the comission of crimes-and that means felons,drug cartels, gang members, and the insane, then nothing will ever change.

  • October 11, 2013 at 4:56 pm
    Fumble says:
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    What a total waste of taxpayer money. The companies in question did not violate any laws as you are allowed to sell parts. Someone assembled an AK out of a $2 shovel and parts. Are they going to now ban shovels to prevent people for doing this? Will pre-ban shovels be legal to own?

    Google “ak shovel”

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