Appeal Planned On Arizona Immigrant License Policy

June 20, 2013

  • June 20, 2013 at 1:32 pm
    insurance is fun! says:
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    Take that, Lizard Lady.

    No matter how important you think you are…no matter how much power you believe you have…no matter how much entitlement you feel with creating your own rules, you lost. Give it up and get into the 1980s like the rest of us.

  • June 20, 2013 at 5:44 pm
    Huh! says:
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    If these young immigrants were at risk for deportation, the natural conclusion is that they entered this country illegally. My family followed legal channels when they immigrated to this country. I have no patience for illegal immigrants or their cries of self-pity.

  • June 21, 2013 at 4:22 pm
    Baxtor says:
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    Don’t you love how they say they are immigrants. They are not. They are people that broke into our country. No different than someone breaking into your home. If you have no problem with someone breaking into your home, then please sponser these people to come legally into our country. Open up your home to them. Let them live with you for a few years until they can get on their feet. But don’t force your “beliefs” onto the American people. We want everyone to come to America, just legally. Background checks, obtaining a legal social security number etc… We don’t want another countries criminals coming over here, thus the need for background checks. The only way that can happen is by them coming over here legally.
    So no license even if you’re here under Obama’s illegal policy.

  • June 26, 2013 at 7:56 pm
    Hmmmmmmm says:
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    If i understand this correctly, the people that have applied for the pathway to citizenship is just that, an application for a pathway. During the application process, they are allowed to stay. Once the application is approved to be in the program, they will get documentation that is like a “green card”. Once they have completed the program they are citizens. I am not sure that anyone has been “accepted” into the program yet. If there is no documentation that they are allowed in the State, I agree with Gov. Brewer (which doesn’t happen a lot). People with green cards are allowed a drivers license because they have documentation that they are here legally.

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