5 Southern California Jail Inmates Awarded $740,000 in Force Suit

November 12, 2013

  • November 12, 2013 at 3:21 pm
    Nancy says:
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    This is just so disgusting! We reward thugs that not only broke the rule, which landed them in jail in the first place, than started the riots in jail and if that was not enough, now we pay them for their injuries! No wonder our tax dollars are so high, we need to reward stupidity. How about holding people accountable for their actions, what about the officers were injured during the riots ! Tough love would keep them out of jail, I say we practice it.

  • November 12, 2013 at 5:15 pm
    Leave them alone says:
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    Hey, if they want to break sinks, barricade themselves in their cells & flood their “living quarters”, let them do it! Come back in two weeks (or longer) & check on them to see if they have changed their minds about following the rules.

  • November 15, 2013 at 4:02 pm
    bayou bill says:
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    Each cellmate should be responsible for his/her cell, to keep it clean, under supervision when cleaning. Complaints for free room, board because one was convicted for a crime..should not be an option. LTA has a great suggestion. If they break a sink (or commode), leave em alone, (bread & water under cell door), check on them 2 wks or so, if they’re still rebellious, take their toilet paper away, check back 2 more weeks.

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