Wrong-Way Wrecks Warrant Prevention Discussions in Arizona

May 20, 2014

  • May 20, 2014 at 1:33 pm
    reality bites says:
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    This can easily be solved, Arizona.

    Get those strips used in tolls and parking lots, which puncture the tires of toll or fare beaters, and install them at the on-ramps.

    Better to have a one-car occurrence than a head-on collision any day.

    • May 20, 2014 at 1:46 pm
      Hmmm says:
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      Reality — since I am part of a family of first responders — I know that fire trucks and ambulances will go down the wrong way onto a freeway to get to accidents (lights, sirens blaring, etc). So the puncture strips wouldn’t work. To have first responders go around (when traffic is built up behind the accident) would not be practical.

      • May 20, 2014 at 2:20 pm
        reality bites says:
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        Of course you are right, Hmmm. Practicality has little to do with reality.
        Unless, of course….there was some way of making the spikes retract, like first responders can ‘reprogram’ red lights as they approach them when on a call…

        • May 20, 2014 at 2:51 pm
          Vickie says:
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          Exactly. Hook them up just like the red lights — or take the euipment on the gravel along side. I wouldn’t think a wrong way driver who is likely impaired in someway would figure the detour out……

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