99.9 Percent Probability of L.A.-Area Earthquake: Study

By | October 23, 2015

  • October 23, 2015 at 2:32 pm
    Agent says:
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    This is probably accurate since the San Andreas fault runs right up the state. We are all puzzled that California has not broken and slipped into the Pacific.

    • October 23, 2015 at 5:52 pm
      SGoebel says:
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      Living in SoCal, I for one hope the “AZ beachfront property after CA falls into the ocean” scenario NEVER happens! Instead of the lost city of Atlantis, they’d be talking about the lost city of San Diego! PETA would finally stop the protests at SeaWorld as all the critters there would just swim out to sea. :)

      But on the real side, there have been some great improvements in earthquake insurance products recently…
      (here’s my shameless plug)
      For any agencies in need of a great stand-alone EQ market in CA or WA, Arrowhead General Insurance may have a product for you. Arrowhead has been writing stand-alone EQ since 2000 and we have several admitted EQ products for CA and WA. Our latest CA residential EQ product has deductibles as low as 2.5% (two and a half %). Coverages for appurtenant structures, contents, loss-of-use, & loss assessments are all selected on an a-la-cart basis, so you can customize the coverages to your individual client’s needs. You are no longer limited to a one-size-fits-all product where the policy’s limits are all robotically generated off the Coverage A amount. There is even an optional endorsement to take a partial limit of coverage (25% or 50% options) on the dwelling for a generous premium credit, for clients that only want “some” coverage, or clients that feel their home would only be subject to partial losses and therefor feel they only need a smaller limit of coverage. We’ve raised the bar when it comes to sub-limited items within the policy as well. We have what we call “True coverage B”. When most of the EQ carriers are watering down the coverage B with $3k sub-limits on just about anything outside the dwelling other than a detached garage, our only Cov B sublimit is a $50k max on pools. Other items such as retaining walls, fences, patios with built in BBQs, non-essential walkways & driveways, etc. can be insured up to full replacement cost if the insured chooses to set the limit as such. And because the coverage limit selection is a-la-cart, you have the ability to set the limits exactly how your insured wants.

      If interested, you can apply online at:

      And if anyone like to talk about Arrowhead’s EQ products, please give me a call.

      Steve Goebel
      Arrowhead General Insurance

  • October 25, 2015 at 12:24 pm
    Fair Playing Field says:
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    agent wrote: “We are all puzzled that California has not broken and slipped into the Pacific.”

    And then there are those that understand the world is round and not flat.

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