Judge Rejects Uber’s Independent Contractors Claim in Sex Attacks Suit

By | May 5, 2016

  • May 5, 2016 at 2:07 pm
    Michael says:
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    Uber is ridiculous. Besides it violating all known laws, evading taxes, ignoring regulations imposed on others and thus competing unfairly, it also uses every pity excuse to sidestep any liability and responsibility. Use Uber at your own risk – and pray your “5-start” fake driver is not a psychopath.

  • May 5, 2016 at 2:28 pm
    Bill says:
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    You like the judge confuse Uber (the company) with Bob (the uber driver) If they were violating “all known” laws I’m certain some prosecutor would step up don’t you? Hell Elliot Spitzer isn’t doing anything…The paying taxes doesn’t hold much water either since the Federal Govt doesn’t require you to pay tax on negative income…now that stinking Bob the driver may not be paying taxes but again that isn’t Uber. Now it’s obvious you are a sniveling socialist since competition is inherently unfair…somebody always wins and not all players get a trophy…why don’t you STFU and get back in your taxi.

  • May 6, 2016 at 6:34 pm
    rideshare driver says:
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    A few bad drivers in a $20,000,000,000 annual gross revenue organization is not an indicator of widespread problems. Rideshare drivers are far more accountable for their conduct than taxi drivers, which is one of the reasons the rideshare experience tends to be much better than the taxi experience. The taxi industry is antiquated, over regulated and soon to be gone.

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