California Doctor Indicted in $700K Workers’ Comp Fraud Scheme

June 13, 2018

  • June 13, 2018 at 10:06 pm
    Debra Bennett says:
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    It is about time charges were brought against Dr Wisner. He takes far too many xrays, of areas that you are not being seen for and too many xrays period. He is the worse surgeon I have ever been too. He doesn’t remove the bandages after you have surgery. He expects physical therapy to remove them. He is rude, vulgar, curses in front of patients, he berates his staff in front of the entire waiting room. Cursing at them, he will curse at his patients. If you try to ask him a question he cuts you off, by raising his voice and telling you to be quiet and listen to him. I called River City Medical Group to complain about Dr. Wisner and they told me he could do what he wanted. I hope some one looks into River City Medical Group. I think they were also enjoying the monies that Dr Wisner was getting.
    Feel free to contact me.

    • June 15, 2018 at 12:31 pm
      Debra Spiker says:
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      Debra, its as if you were reading my mind. I wonder how many people actually had an idea of what he was up to? I just saw him this last Monday and left his office in tears. I only went in for that appointment to see what he had up his sleeve. As usual they called me into the X-ray and proceeded to take shots of my wrist, elbows and back. I have spinal stenosis. What do my wrists have to do with it? On previous visits they took xrays of my foot my leg, etc..Everytime I went in. He deliberately stalled on my treatment and never once spent more than 5 minutes in a room. During this last visit, he was rude and belligerent. Told me to no longer see my primary doctor anymore. I walked out and never looked back. I have been pulling my insurance claims and office paper work. Your absolutely right about River City Medical, something doesn’t seem right.

  • June 14, 2018 at 1:23 pm
    Broker says:
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    Hidden due to low comment rating. Click here to see.

    • June 15, 2018 at 12:44 pm
      Debra Spiker says:
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      I think with all the people who were subjected to this mans behavior we should be able to compile lots of evidence. The insurance told me that there wasn’t another doctor anywhere in Sacramento County that would take my insurance. I would have to travel all the way to Lodi for every visit. During my last visit he yelled at me, no exaggeration, not the first time he treated like I less than human. He stalled every aspect of my treatment he ordered, allegedly, and when I took the paper work I was given into the appropriate office they said it would have to be sent back to the doctors office and they would send it back. The man was a joke from my first visit. I know that I will be more cautious in the future. I don’t ever have to go thru this abuse again. I over heard him tell a nurse to tell a patient who made a comment that was rude and he yelled tell her to go F—- herself. We don’t need her money. Nice right?

    • June 15, 2018 at 5:08 pm
      CATHY ANDRADE says:
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      The” LIKE” on BROKER comment was a MISTAKE. Do not agree with broker at all.

  • June 15, 2018 at 11:27 am
    Robert Matthews says:
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    Dr. Wisner has no respect for other peoples time, every office visit takes 3 to 4 hours. During the wait his x-ray guy takes o dozen X-rays, many of which are parts not involved with your problem. I was seeing him for a knee but they took shots of my shoulders and back. In five visits i had over 50 x-rays. I thought something was up and almost reported him myself.

  • June 15, 2018 at 12:04 pm
    Edda Davis says:
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    Nothing surprises me about this man. He was the surgeon for my husbands knee replacement. My husband was seen every week for half a year afterwards and then every two weeks thereafter. Gary Wisner spent on average two – three minutes to eveluate the recovery, only to watch how he walks.Waiting period in the waiting room minimum of two hours. Never once (when I was there) Gary Wisner examined the movement of my husbands knee to see why my husband had problems walking right and why the swelling didn’t go down. AND YES every time visited he wanted an X-Ray which we never received copies of, even though it was requested. Long story short: It was not a Workers Comp issue or insured by MediCare, so after a year Gary just told him not to be such a “Baby” along with other foul language and to start walking normal. My husband was released to full work duty, but another office visit was requested?! We managed to get my husband a second opinion against Gary Wisner’s advise and correction surgeries with another doctor for an “unstable knee”. We also were discouraged by the Board of Medicine to follow up with a claim since the board saw nothing wrong with Gary Wisners behaviour and professional conduct……….. And I will leave it at that.
    P.S.: My husband had to quit work because of this surgery and non existent after care.

  • June 17, 2018 at 12:03 pm
    Pamela Davis says:
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    This is a theme far too common in the WC arena throughout the country. Federal prosecutors must take a long hard look at these cases and be willing to prosecute them federally. Further, the WC industry must begin to investigate using the Civil RICO statute for these cases. It’s a common tool for no-fault, why not for WC?

    • June 18, 2018 at 11:45 am
      Agent says:
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      Try this on Texas Mutual in Texas and you would be going to the big house for many years.

  • June 24, 2018 at 8:46 pm
    Nancy Abler says:
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    The Workers Comp System is a Cesspool of medical fraud and Corporate Insurer corruption. Years of Studies & Complaints of WC fraud and abuse have been ignored by this Government Bureaucracy, claiming immunity to legal accountability. It refuses to be audited and financially accountable to the tax payers who fund it, — who are also subjected to it’s corrupt violations of civil & human rights, if they become occupationally injured. Workers Compensation is a classic example of an incestuous corporate- government partnership. Employment Disability Insurers systemically control their agenda to fraudulently deny Job Injury Liability & dump disabled employees into SSDI for taxpayer funding. The system is fraud ridden with unscrupulous insurers, doctors, lawyers, and employers who richly profit off the WC Systems’ inventory of injured and disabled workers. The damaged leftovers are cost shifted to the tax payers. The Dept. of Labor’s OIG should be informed of the long term Rico fraud & racketeering crimes ignored by WC Officials in charge.

  • October 22, 2022 at 10:23 pm
    Debra Spiker says:
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