California Places All Residents Under ‘Stay at Home’ Order

By and | March 19, 2020

  • March 20, 2020 at 12:54 pm
    Craig Winston Cornell says:
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    8 weeks. Insane. People will revolt in less than 4 weeks.

    2 years ago, 80,000. Americans died from the flu. We didn’t shut down the economy, throw millions out of work and bankrupt thousands of small businesses then. Why now?

    I just went to the store. Panicked hoarding is the rule. People running around like it is some kind of game to try to gather as much goodies as possible before they are all gone. A bizarre Easter egg hunt for selfish adults with no perspective on reality.

    And how many of them are already sick and infecting others? COVID doesn’t reveal itself for up to 14 days after a person is infected, allowing that person to infect many others. And all of these Game Show shoppers? You think they would ALL stay home if they even knew they might be sick? All of them? How about the store workers? Do THEY know if they are already sick? (They made no effort to keep “social distance” from me or others and neither did many of the shoppers.)

    This is nuts.

  • March 20, 2020 at 1:24 pm
    Mike Mansel says:
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    Our Governor is no more or less than rich, spoiled, air-head politician. He is a”grand-stander” and really has no clue. The advice that he is provided by his minions is no more or less than pathetic. Did you review the gigantic listing of those who are excused from the Governor’s attempt as a dictator? We all know what we need to do and how to behave during this epidemic that the medical authorities say has less of an impact that the ‘flu !

  • March 20, 2020 at 2:45 pm
    peggy buffo says:
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    i agree we’re over reacting. i think we already all have it. so much is going to change, our government take over of the infrastructure may change how our USA continues on. its a mad world…

  • March 20, 2020 at 4:00 pm
    Jon says:
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    Aside from the republican response of not being able to figure out if this is a serious threat or not, the only businesses really shut down are retail operations. Almost everything is open, people are still on the streets because walking and hiking is allowed. It pretty much allows everything except idiots who don’t believe this is real gathering on the beach. While yes most Californians and Americans are likely to get it, this is what you do in a pandemic. Maybe if the Republicans hadn’t de-funded the CDC and our biological disaster response teams we could have gotten this handled quicker before it was already a massive pandemic. As it is, stay inside and protect the elderly, even if they’re too stupid (like C up there) to realize this is to their benefit.

    • March 20, 2020 at 5:00 pm
      Craig Winston Cornell says:
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      The CDC was NOT defunded. That claim was widely debunked. They have more money today than when Obama was President.

      You need to stop lying. Take a tip from Cuomo and Trump and Gavin Newsom. This is NOT a time for partisan nonsense.

      • March 20, 2020 at 6:28 pm
        Jon says:
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        Correction, you’re right, he didn’t cut funding!

        He TRIED to cut funding but it hasn’t gone through yet. You’re right, I was wrong, but so are you! The difference is I can actually admit to being wrong about something because I’m not a lunatic compulsive liar like you appear to be daily. You lied earlier today on an article, you lied twice yesterday, do we really have to go into all this? Why don’t you take your own advice and admit one of the many lies you’ve told JUST ONE? Except you won’t. Poor little hypocrite can’t take his own medicine.

  • March 20, 2020 at 4:38 pm
    sak74 says:
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    I have a feeling we will see all states going to shelter in place orders over the next several days/week. Every time I see or hear something from the medical community on TV or radio the repeated message over and over is we need to shut down now to try and control the spread. Much like the schools shutting and the bars/restaurants…….a few states started and pretty soon all others followed suit. Whether we are of the thought it needs to happen or it is overkill I do see it happening and we all just need to make sure we are doing our part to take care of ourselves and our families. Honestly, the virus really doesn’t scare me I will either get it or I won’t. I am anxious though over how people will react and what may happen during a country wide shelter in place…….

  • March 23, 2020 at 4:19 am
    Observor says:
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    The challenge with this virus is both the easy transmission and that about to 10% to 15% of those infected require hospitalization and the fatality rate appears to be 2%. The flu has a fatality rate of 0.12% with a much lower percent requiring hospitalization. Unfortunately, the isolation requests are necessary to avoid an overload on hospitals who do not have the staff, beds and respirators to adequately handle an unchecked spread of this virus. For most of us who are lucky enough to be healthy and not work in the healthcare of those impacted, this is not a big deal. However, for 10% to 15% of the remainder along with doctors, nurses, etc this is a huge deal,

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