injured worker News

Report: Combined California Workers’ Comp Losses and Expenses Down in 2023

Total insurer combined losses and expenses incurred in 2023 were down, a new report shows. The Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau of California released its report on workers’ compensation losses and expenses for 2023. Findings in the WCIRB report, 2023 …

Report: Nearly All California Worker’s Comp IMR Filings Were Eligible for Review

Nearly all independent medical review filings were deemed eligible for review last year, slightly less than the annual percentage for those filed in 2022, according to California Division of Workers’ Compensation’s annual report on the IMR program. IMR is the …

Oregon Report Keys in on Disabling Claims for Occupational Injuries

Oregon’s Department of Consumer and Business Services received notification of 24,947 accepted disabling claims for occupational injuries and diseases in 2022, according to a new report looking back on data from the year. Employment increased by 71,100 workers and claims …

Report Looks at Cumulative Trauma and Litigated Claims in California Workers’ Comp

A California Workers’ Compensation Institute study shows nearly half of all litigated claims in the Los Angeles Basin are cumulative trauma claims that involve physical or mental injuries from repetitive stress, motion, or exposures, rather than from a specific event …

SAIF in Oregon Reports Ice Caused Most Workplace Slips, Trips, Falls in 7 Years

SAIF in Oregon, which reported receiving 400-plus claims after January’s winter weather, said more Oregon workers were injured from slips, trips, and falls due to snow or ice than during any other storm since January 2017. SAIF, Oregon’s not-for-profit workers’ …

Washington Workers’ Comp Premium Rate Going up an Average of 4.9% in 2024

The Washington State Department of Labor & Industries announced a 4.9% increase in the average workers’ compensation premium rate for 2024. The increase, which takes effect Jan. 1, 2024, means employers and workers will jointly pay, on average, an additional …

No Change in California Workers’ Compensation Weekly TD Rates for 2024

The U.S. Department of Labor has issued new data showing California’s State Average Weekly Wage edged down 0.48 percent from $1,650 to $1,642 in the 12 months ending March 31, 2023. The California Workers’ Compensation Institute notes there will be …

Washington Proposes 4.9% Increase in Workers’ Comp Rates for 2024

The Washington State Department of Labor & Industries is proposing a 4.9% increase in the average hourly rate employers and workers will pay for workers’ compensation insurance next year. If adopted, the increase would have employers and workers jointly paying …

Oregon Workers’ Comp Costs to Drop 11th-Straight Year

Oregon employers will pay on average less for workers’ compensation coverage, according to an update from the Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services. The decline marks 11 years of average decreases in the pure premium rate – the base …

Pinnacol Issues $15M Dividend to 58K Colorado Employers

Colorado’s largest workers’ compensation carrier, Pinnacol Assurance, issued a general dividend of $15 million to 58,000 employers in the state. This marks the organization’s eighth straight year of issuing dividends and a total of $385 million returned to Colorado employers. …