risk prevention News

Insurance Industry Urged to Weigh Shift to Intangible Risks

Panelists at a recent New York event hosted yesterday by Lloyd’s, the world’s specialist insurance market, and the American Security Project, a nonpartisan national security think-tank, urged the insurance industry to plan ahead and work to better understand how to …

XL Catlin Launches 24/7 Product Recall Crisis Network in Asia

XL Catlin announced that its product recall insurance team in Asia has launched “Response XL Catlin,” a tailored network of expert crisis consultants, which will be supported in the region by global communications company Bell Pottinger. With established networks in …

Hiscox London Market Launches Stand-Alone Threat Product

Specialist global insurer Hiscox has launched a stand-alone Threat product designed to protect businesses against the loss of revenue suffered as a result of a threat or hoax. The Hiscox Threat policy provides non-physical damage business interruption (BI) cover as …

Flood Damage Underestimated; Better Risk Prevention Needed: Allianz

Floods are the most commonly occurring natural catastrophes in the world and insurance companies are using science to better predict risks, yet most people underestimate flooding’s destructive power, German insurer Allianz said in a report. Climate change and man-made causes, …