2011 Second Quarter Schedule

April 4, 2011

April 6
The Perpetual Pipeline — The 4 P’s of Producer Success

April 7
The ‘How to’s’ of Miscellaneous E&O Coverage

April 13 and April 20
Understanding Umbrella/Excess Policies (2-part Series)

April 14
Where’s Your Head? The Future of Production and Distribution

April 21
Specifics of Personal Umbrella Coverage

April 27
Pre-Call Strategy — Preparing to Win

April 28
Myths, Lies and Legends of Kidnap and Ransom Coverage

May 4
Having the Tough Conversations with Your Employees

May 5
7 Steps Toward Avoiding BAD Carrier Contracts

May 11 and May 26
Contractors and Construction Defect Claims

May 12
Understanding and Writing Ordinance or Law Coverage

May 18
Shock Proof: Preparing Your New Clients for the Incumbent

May 19
RC + ACV = E&O: Why Most Property Insurance Values are Wrong

May 25, June 8 and June 22
Becoming and Exceptional Producer — How to Transform Yourself from a ‘Transactional’ Salesperson to a Consultative Agent (3-part Series)

June 1
Preparing Your Personal Lines Clients for Vacation — What Your Clients Need to Know About Their Insurance Protection, Before They Rent the Jet Ski

June 2 — June 30
Business Income — It’s Easier Than You Think (Or Have Been Taught) (5-part Series)

June 15
Performance Management Processes

June 29
Avoiding Leadership Landmines

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Insurance Journal Magazine April 4, 2011
April 4, 2011
Insurance Journal Magazine

Big “I” Issue (with Young Agents Survey), Entertainment / Sports / Special Events, Directors & Officers Liability