San Andreas Fault News

Scientist Says Chances of Big One on San Andreas Greater Than We Believed

Get ready for the big one. That’s a refrain Californians have heard for years, but this time one scientist is putting a number on it. There’s a 1% chance a big quake will strike next year on the Southern section …

Ridgecrest Earthquakes Shake Up Californians, but How Bad Could it Be?

This post is part of a series sponsored by CoreLogic. Earthquake risk in California is no secret. For years scientists have been warning the state is overdue for a large damaging event. Nearly 30 years ago, the 1989 Loma Prieta …

California Earthquake Authority Policy Sales up 5.4% in 2Q from Year Ago

Californians may be getting the idea that they live in earthquake country. That’s the underlying message that can be found in the latest figures out from the California Earthquake Authority. The CEA, a not-for-profit, publicly managed organization, announced on Monday …

What Climate Change Has to Do with Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tsunamis

Climate change will cause more earthquakes. It’s as simple as that. Deniers, start your engines. If that isn’t enough to enflame the smoldering embers of discourse within those ready to pounce on any and all climate change notions they deem …

Sweeping Upgrades For Quakes Proposed by Los Angeles Mayor

Mayor Eric Garcetti has proposed spending billions of dollars to better protect Los Angeles against a devastating earthquake by strengthening thousands of vulnerable older buildings and fortifying the city’s water and communications systems. The sweeping plan left unclear what the …

RMS: ‘Big One’ in Northern California Could Cause $200B in Losses

Earthquake risk in the San Francisco Bay Area is on the rise while earthquake insurance penetration statewide has dropped significantly since the Loma Prieta earthquake that rocked the Bay Area 25 years ago, causing nearly $6 billion in economic losses, …

California San Andreas Quake Experiment Could Lose Funding

Scientists seeking to put seismic sensors deep in the San Andreas fault to study the mechanics of earthquakes are in danger of losing their funding, a newspaper reported. The National Science Foundation has said it is no longer soliciting proposals …

Report: $100M in Losses from Southern California Quake

The moderate earthquake that struck Southern California in spring did more damage than people may think – and a bigger quake on that fault could be more devastating than a “big one” on the region’s infamous San Andreas Fault, a …

7.5M On Fault That Shook Southern Californians Could Be Disastrous

Experts say a bigger earthquake along the lesser-known fault that gave Southern California a moderate shake could do more damage to the region than the long-dreaded “Big One” from the more famous San Andreas Fault. The Puente Hills thrust fault, …

Can California’s San Andreas Break At Once? Study Says Maybe

A new study suggests certain earthquake fault segments long thought to be stable may rupture and cause a mega-quake. That’s what happened during the 2011 magnitude-9 quake in Japan that triggered a tsunami and during the 1999 magnitude-7.6 Chi-Chi quake …