Articles by Keith Naughton

Exit Ramp Rollovers Kill Hundreds of Truckers a Year

It was almost midnight when Walter Price eased his 18-wheeler into the right lane on Interstate 75 near Atlanta. As he began to bank onto the exit ramp he’d been taking for the past 10 years, Price had no idea …

Driverless Car to Make First Coast-to-Coast Highway Trip

Delphi Automotive Plc, a supplier of car electronics, is undertaking the longest test of a driverless auto, going coast to coast in the U.S. with a specially outfitted Audi Q5 sport-utility vehicle. The SUV will cover about 3,500 miles (5,600 …

How Much Will Drivers Pay for High-Tech Devices?

A majority of U.S. drivers are willing to pay as much as $1,499 to have high-tech entertainment and safety devices in their vehicles as consumers demand more connectivity, according to a Harris Poll. Back-up cameras, USB ports and smartphone charging …

Foreign Accents Drive Smart Cars’ Voice Technology Crazy

Colin and Rachel Britton have a failure to communicate when they slip into their $95,000 Mercedes GL500. Not with each other, with their car. Its voice recognition system is dumbfounded by their British accents, especially Rachel’s. “The car just doesn’t …

2017 Cadillacs to Feature Hands-Free Driving, V2V Technology

General Motors Co., the largest U.S. automaker, will introduce a Cadillac model in two years that can travel on the highway without the driver holding the steering wheel or putting a foot on a pedal. The 2017 Cadillac model will …

Urbanization, Mobility, Gridlock and Predictions of ‘Peak Car’

The world that Henry Ford put on wheels is poised for a stall. In the globe’s growing megacities, pollution and gridlock are putting a damper on driving. In India, some commuters are leaving their cars at home to avoid traffic …