Articles by Martha Irvine

Chicago Insurance Broker Saves Young Boy’s Life in July 4 Parade Shooting

A woman, stunned and speechless in the chaos of a July 4 parade massacre, walked up to Greg Ring and handed him a 2-year-old boy, covered in blood. Ring had fled the scene in the Chicago suburb of Highland Park …

Expansion of Natural Gas Terminals Brings Another Risk to Louisiana

The front lawn of Lydia Larce’s home is strewn with debris: remnants of cabinets and chunks of pink shower. She lives in a FEMA trailer out back, her home in shambles after hurricanes tore through Lake Charles. Larce, like many …

Forgotten Oil and Gas Wells Lingering, Leaking Toxic Chemicals

Rusted pipes litter the sandy fields of Ashley Williams Watt’s cattle ranch in windswept West Texas. The corroded skeletons are all that remain of hundreds of abandoned oil wells that were drilled long before her family owned the land. The …

Should States Raise Driving Age?

Taking aim at a longstanding rite of passage for 16-year-olds, an influential auto safety group is calling on states to raise the age for getting a driver’s license to 17 or even 18. Adrian Lund, president of the Insurance Institute …

States Should Raise Driving Age, Says Insurance Safety Group

Taking aim at a longstanding rite of passage for 16-year-olds, an influential auto safety group is calling on states to raise the age for getting a driver’s license to 17 or even 18. Adrian Lund, president of the Insurance Institute …