Big I Insights

Insurance Implications of Required Vaccines

By | February 22, 2021

  • June 1, 2021 at 11:02 am
    cwalkerb says:
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    All well and good advice for the employer. Is there any death and dsability insurance available to one (employed or not) that covers death/ injury from vaccines? No matter the cost of such insurance. thanks

  • September 22, 2021 at 5:24 pm
    B Franklin says:
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    The short answer is: No. To the best of my knowledge, no one offers insurance to cover injury, harm, or death from experimental medical products.

    It should be noted that some people are reporting being denied medical insurance coverage of bills for medical treatment for injuries from these experimental ‘vaccines’.* Others have reported being denied life insurance payments for those who apparently died from the experimental products. All 3 COVID ‘vaccines’ currently available in the US are Emergency Use Authorized and as such are by definition experimental. (Even the greatly truncated EUA process was not properly followed.)

    In spite of what we have all been told, the FDA approval of Pfizer’s Comirnity product was highly irregular, and is currently being contested. Among other issues, this product did not undergo the steps normally required to gain FDA approval and prior to bringing the vaccine to market. However, it should be noted that the approval was for future manufacturing of a product, NOT for the Moderna or J&J product- nor for the million of doses of the Pfizer/ BioNtech product that are currently available.

    According to national and international law, prior to receiving any of these experimental products, you are to have the opportunity for fully informed consent, which includes all the current information on the known benefits and risks of the experimental product – and the extent to which those benefits and risks are unknown.

    Even with the ‘approved’ Comirnity product, it is still legally experimental though 2022 or 2023, so every participant in this experiment on human beings must also have the right to Fully Informed Consent- which includes the right to refuse. DO NOT simply sign whatever piece of paper or electronic form you are handed- ever.

    It is also illegal to coerce, including enticement, anyone to participate in a medical experiment.

    IF an employer states that these products are ‘safe and effective’ that employer may be liable for violating FTC laws that prohibit false advertising, particularly for medical products. At this time, since clinical trials (now being conducted among the general public) have not been completed AND the long-term safety is impossible to know for a product which has only been in use since Dec 2010 AND the 3 EUA products (and the FDA ‘approved’ product) were never tested for preventing someone from contracting COVID 19 nor for preventing the injected from passing the virus to someone else NO ONE can lawfully claim that these products are “safe and effective” for preventing COVID or for keeping others from getting it, or for achieving ‘herd immunity’. Breakthrough infections and increasing numbers of studies are also showing that these alleged vaccines are not effective

    * The products being called ‘COVID vaccines’ do not fit the commonly understood, or the medical definition of what a vaccine is: ‘a bacteria or virus, live or killed or a part thereof that when injected or introduced to the body stimmulates immunity that protects that person from the specific disease caused by that bacteria or virus.’
    The CDC recently changed their definition of vaccine, however, these products still do not fit:

    Immunity: Protection from an infectious disease. If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without becoming infected.

    Vaccine: A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.

    Note: The article is in error, since injuries and deaths cause by other vaccines are not held to the same standards of liability, or even testing, as other drugs or medical products. This is why they are designated as ‘biologicals’ not drugs. The manufacturers of biologicals aka vaccines CANNOT be held liable if the CDC recommends that vaccine- not even for NEGLIGENCE. IMHO, this is an infringement of our constitutional rights, but I am not a legal professional.

    (Apologies if this appears twice.)

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