Relatives of Rivera Entourage Get $70M Judgment in California

August 8, 2016

The families of four members of Jenni Rivera’s entourage who were killed along with the Mexican-American superstar in a 2012 plane crash are entitled to $70 million, a judge has ruled.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Holly Kendig entered a default judgment last month against Starwood Management Inc., the owners of a Learjet that crashed in northern Mexico in December 2012.

The judgment was entered because the plane’s owners, Starwood Management Inc., abandoned their defense in the case and no longer have an attorney representing them.

The judgment was entered on behalf of Rivera’s publicist, makeup artist, hairstylist and attorney. Their attorney, Paul R. Kiesel, said the next step will be getting Starwood to pay the judgement.

Rivera, 43, sold more than 15 million records over her career. A case by Rivera’s estate against Starwood and other companies is pending.

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