Forget Insurtech. What About Us? Young Agents Speak Out in Annual Survey Report

By | April 3, 2017

  • April 6, 2017 at 9:48 pm
    Jack Robson says:
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    I’m a tech consultant and I’ve just launched a business aimed solely at trying to solve he inefficiencies in current technology systems.

    After starting to conduct my own research with insurance companies, my findings share these same sentiments that the industry is ripe for technological advancement.

    I’m still conducting research and would love to hear from any members of the insurance industry who are eager to have new solutions.

    It’d be great to know if we’re planning on building the right things.

    Please reach out if you can spare time.

    Even 5 or 10 minutes could help us go from creating something that could 1.2x your current output, to creating something that could help you double, triple or even 10x your productivity.

    Thanks in advance.

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