U.S. Navy Captures 5 Pirates; ‘Mother Ship’

April 1, 2010

A report from the USS Nicholas, reports that the vessel captured 5 would-be pirates, “after exchanging fire, sinking a skiff and confiscating a suspected mother ship,” while on patrol in the Indian Ocean.

The report said that “while operating west of the Seychelles in international waters, Nicholas reported taking fire at 12:27 a.m. local time from a suspected pirate skiff and returned fire before commencing pursuit of the vessel until the disabled skiff stopped.

“At 1:59 a.m. personnel from Nicholas boarded the disabled skiff and detained three personnel. The boarding team found ammunition and multiple cans of fuel on board.

“After taking the suspected pirates on board, Nicholas sank the disabled skiff at 2:59 a.m. An additional two suspected pirates were captured on the confiscated mother ship.”

The report went on to state that the “suspected pirates will remain in U.S. custody on board Nicholas until a determination is made regarding their disposition.”

In addition the release pointed out that “piracy is an international maritime issue that consistently affects the safety and security of the sea. The U.S. Navy works to uphold maritime law in order to prevent an environment conducive to piracy.”

The Navy described the Nicholas, as “an Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigate homeported in Norfolk, Va., is currently supporting U.S. Naval Forces Africa. U.S. Naval Forces Africa is the naval component in support of U.S. Africa Command.”

Source: U.S. Navy – www.navy.mil

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  • April 2, 2010 at 4:24 am
    Walter says:
    I think that the Navy did a fine job. as an ex Naval officer, they exibited the pride and professionalism of the fleet. That said, there is more that can be done. Convoy all s... read more
  • April 2, 2010 at 12:58 pm
    Joe, defender of maligned pira says:
    Once again, a racist nation attacks helpless Somalian, muslime fisherman struggling to feed their starving families. Where's the justice? Where's the love for these poor fishe... read more
  • April 2, 2010 at 12:35 pm
    Walk Your Libs everyday! says:
    Oh yeah if anyone moves on the mother ship after it has been straffed without surrendering have a laser guided ship to ship missle on the ready for the mother ship's bridge.

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