Newspaper: Illegal Immigrants Registered Vehicles in Ohio

September 16, 2009

  • September 16, 2009 at 1:07 am
    Maxamillain says:
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    This sentence says integrity is for sale: “Car dealers, insurance company officials and others were concerned about their bottom lines.” I guess crime does pay.

  • September 16, 2009 at 2:05 am
    Amy says:
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    The insurance commissioner should be charged with defrauding the public be allowing illegals on the road. I seriously doubt they have vehicles that are safe to drive, and if they prove they have insurance, they’ll probably drop it after one payment. When are Americans going to wake up and realize that we can’t afford to tolerate illegals? They’re a drain on our economy and get free medical care. Hey….you don’t live here as a citizen, you don’t buy goods and services, you don’t pay taxes……….GET THE HELL OUT. We don’t owe these people anything. They need to EARN the privilege to live here. The people sneak here to escape their own crappy country because THEY WANT something better. But they don’t contribute much of anything.

  • September 16, 2009 at 2:41 am
    Angela says:
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    You’ve got that right Amy!!

  • September 16, 2009 at 4:26 am
    Albert says:
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    You are so damn ignorant Amy, instead of blaming the unfortunate immigrants that mostly come here to do the dirty work of people like you and I. You need to get to work so we can get this economy to prosper once again. you must have a lot of time to waste if your typing crap about people probably at your employers expense!

    and as far as not owing these people nothing. well… the us government owes many people millions in taxes they collect from illegal immigrants that don’t claim.
    and if it wasn’t from all the stuff that we buy from china and the rest of the world the US would not be as glamorous as it is. maybe Angela would be an assambler at a factory rather than sitting in front of a computer all day.

    I think we need to respect everyone because human nature is to help each other, but unfortunately human nature is also to take advantage of the unfortunate… and no wonder why most of the world now dislikes USA

  • September 16, 2009 at 4:34 am
    Shaun says:
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    Albert, you’re joking right? I have lived in California my entire life and there no sympathy here for illegals. They abuse the system and don’t contribute one single thing. Amy hit the nail on the hair. Move to Santa Ana, California and we’ll see how long you keep those views.

  • September 16, 2009 at 6:35 am
    el jardinero says:
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    I lived in Santa Ana and it’s great. I get to eat tacos, walk my dog before it gets dark, and I sit back and laugh at comments such as the ones written in the blog. Get over it, get back to work, and be glad they paid the vehicle fee’s and purchased insurance instead of just driving the car’s with paying fee and driving with our insurance. No manchen.

  • September 17, 2009 at 7:53 am
    Jim B. says:
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    Most of the money the illegals gets sent back to Mexico. Amy and Angela got it right. They WANT everything America offers, but lack the skills and abilities to EARN them. They have made no investment or sacrifice for this country. They simply want to escape the crap hole country they were born in. When the European immigrants came here they brought skills and helped BUILS the country. The illegals simply skim what they can. They’re essentially un-educated and have zero chance of changing that anytime soon. Unless of course the chump American politicians want ot educate them and give them financial aid while they learn how to speak ENGLISH. And, in the infinite wisdom of our politicians, they can show up at any ER and world class medical treatment FREE. In that respect they’re better off than some American citizens. Close the border and stop the societal pollution.

  • September 17, 2009 at 9:42 am
    Wally says:
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    Folks, it’s not just Mexicans who are illegals. There are many Islamic bad guys who sneak in through our porous borders. Recent FBI arrests point to the silent growing danger of a 5th column in our midst – people who wish ill on our country & on us who out-stay their student visas, besides those who run across the border with the Latinos. Illegals are more than just Mexicans. Many Latinos -who come from many different countries – are good legal citizens & contributors to our society. Perhaps we can refocus the discussion to that if simply illegal immigrants. Unfortunately, many legal Muslim immigrants also wish harm on us and our country. Stop picking on just Mexicans.

  • September 17, 2009 at 2:27 am
    Conservative says:
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    The fact of the matter is that they are here and there is nothing you’re going to do about it.
    They’re driving and a lack of registration is not to change that. Why would you be opposed to them having to go through the same channels citizens do in order to drive- pay insurance, register your cars & pay personal property TAXES on those cars(which is tracked by your REGISTRATION).

  • September 18, 2009 at 10:42 am
    Lynn says:
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    I’m with Albert. I love it when people generalize-they’re only smart enough to spat off what they’ve heard on the news or perhaps another intelligent co-worker. What’s hilarious is that I’m sure someone like Amy couldn’t even tell you exactly how much of her taxes(or whatever other cost she is referring to) contribute to “illegals”. So, I guess while we’re generalizing, I have a feeling Amy is overweight and I’m sure that’s going to cost me one way or another. I’m mean, I know, but I wish people would come up with something original to say about illegal immigrants-or at least give me some factual data that they didn’t just google.

  • September 18, 2009 at 11:09 am
    Anon says:
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    Obviously you don’t have vehicles registered in Ohio:

    1) Insurance is mandatory in this state, however there is no state reporting from insurance companies (with the exception of SR-22s). You are not even required to provide an ID Card when you register a vehicle, just sign an affidavit saying “Well, sure, I pinkie-swear that I have insurance and that I’ll maintain it always”.

    2) The state makes it’s money in Ohio on the registration… most of us don’t make our money from the state so we don’t care if they’re getting a few thousand more vehicle registrations from illegals. The point is the state is making money by looking the other way.

    3) Ohio does not have an annual tax (like property tax) on vehicles. Registering a vehicle in Ohio has no bearing on your individual tax burden, only means paying a registration fee and you’re on your way. When you buy the vehicle you pay a sales tax, after that you’re driving tax-free (execept gasoline taxes, of course).

  • September 23, 2009 at 11:31 am
    TX Agentman says:
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    But if there is a vehicle that is driving around without a reg, a policy officer will have more of a reason to pull that vehicle over, and will be less likely to be charged with profiling. But I do agree with selling insurance to people without a DL. Just because they don’t have a DL, doesn’t mean they won’t get into an accident, and at least they have insurance.

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