Minnesota Man Imprisoned After Crash Sues Toyota

By | February 2, 2011

  • February 2, 2011 at 3:08 pm
    William S. Vaughn, ARM says:
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    The evidence is at best ambiguous as whether the root cause of these runaway incidents was unintended accelerator application or a physical defect/design error. Toyota appears to have prevaricated and been less than forthcoming apparently on the advice of lawyers not concerned that the truth emerge but rather entirely focused on Toyota not being assigned fault at any cost. The fact that Toyota reportedly limited and suppressed the full evidentiary potential of its event recorders has all the appearances of a smoking gun.

  • February 2, 2011 at 3:43 pm
    SFOInsuranceLady says:
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    “He was convicted of criminal vehicular homicide and sentenced to eight years in prison.”

    WOW! Does anyone know how he got convicted? Was there no evidence that the vehcile suddenly accelerated on it’s own? Was he driving under the influence?

  • February 2, 2011 at 6:14 pm
    mark says:
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    Just another stupid law suit, that indriectly drives up prices for consumers…

  • February 3, 2011 at 1:57 pm
    Baxtor says:
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    I don’t know what driving schools are teaching now days, but they really need to teach new drivers how to drive. It’s not as simple as putting it in drive and using a gas and brake. Not only do you have to drive defensively, but you must control your vehicle. If your vehicle is accelerating out of control, you need to know how to react, same thing if the brakes just stop working. Try the emergency brake, put the car in neutral, or just shut it off. Don’t wait for it to crash into something. Not all accidents can be prevented this way, but it appears most can.

  • February 26, 2011 at 7:33 pm
    James Long says:
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    WOW! Does anyone know how he got convicted? Was there no evidence that the vehcile suddenly accelerated on it’s own? Was he driving under the influence?

    Yes, prosecutors argued Mr. Lee panicked and hit the accelerator instead of the brake. He spent two and half years in prison because of a defective product made by Toyota and others died. I hope he and the others get their day in court. Anyone who says this is a frivolous lawsuit is simply wrong.

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