OSHA: Bedbug Whistleblower in Ohio to Get Back Pay

October 2, 2013

  • October 2, 2013 at 2:51 pm
    Suze says:
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    Why don’t “whistleblower provisions” apply to federal employees?

  • October 2, 2013 at 7:00 pm
    dahai says:
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    Google “Bed Sized Bed Bug Trap”. You sleep at trap center as inaccessible bait and force bed bugs to suicide. You don’t care how many bed bugs inside mattress, behind wall, under carpet, or inside TV, printer, computer, & clock. You kill bed bugs when bed bugs seek you instead of you seek bed bugs. Exterminators never had such an easy chance because both special tape and special design are patent pending. A bed bug has short life if it detects CO2 and crawls for food in futile every night. A bed bug may be in dormant for one year in a refrigerator.
    Don’t work hard; kill bugs when you sleep. Don’t spray chemical to TV; leave it beside the trap. Don’t heat all of clothes; force bed bugs leave closets towards the trap. Don’t dump any furniture; it does not change when the last bug starves. Don’t believe what most people have said regarding bed bugs; sleep in a bathtub and understand how easy to stop bites forever by the trap. Don’t trust one year bed bug’s life; catch bed bugs into a glass jar without cap, let them feel CO2 food smell, and watch them die in a few of weeks. Don’t work hard for months to keep killing faster than laying eggs; confirm success tomorrow after first night of no more bites.
    Spraying chemical is as stupid as sleeping outside tent and spraying chemical to mosquitoes outside tent. Using steamer is as stupid as spraying steam to ants instead of using poison bait. Using mattress encasement is as stupid as covering a bush by a tent to seal mosquitoes inside bush and sleeping outside tent. Using DE powder or bomb is as stupid as trying one more time for a method which has failed thousands of times. Misleading methods make such an easy job become very difficult. You should have solved problem now if you received product Bed Sized Trap today due to no more bites and negligible daily effort.

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