National Study Outlines how Climate Change Could Hurt Smokies

By Duncan Mansfield | July 13, 2007

  • July 13, 2007 at 11:06 am
    Gill Fin says:
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    Attention shoppers – stepford agent IN THE HOUSE!!!!

  • July 13, 2007 at 1:03 am
    Don't start says:
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    Don’t start!….We’ve beat this one up enough, don’t you think?

  • July 13, 2007 at 1:05 am
    rosie says:
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  • July 13, 2007 at 1:11 am
    Chad Balaamaba says:
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    Love the smokies, but we’re talking about springfed streams here; if the average temp in those streams rises 3.7 degrees, it’s a sign the average high is about 150; we’re all dead anyway, or at least well done.

  • July 13, 2007 at 1:13 am
    Chilly says:
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    If you are sick sick of this topic, tell IJ to present both sides. Why is it that only the alarmist side gets promoted here? Why will no one elver answer my question, “What ended the last Ice Age?”

    Since IJ won’t report actual news on the topic, I will: In April, sixty of the world’s leading experts in the field of climatology asked Canadian Prime Minister Harper to order a thorough public review of the science of climate change, something that has never happened in Canada. Considering what’s at stake – either the end of civilization, if you believe Gore, or a waste of billions of dollars, if you believe his opponents – it seems like a reasonable request.

    In other words, Canada is taking a second look at the evidence for anthropogenic global warming. Is it too much to ask IJ to do the same?

    But reason is not the stong suit among the global warming whakos who want to restrict human freedom and increase the size and cost of government in the name of their religious faith that the earth is burning up and man is the cause.

    Note to IJ: look, up inthe sky, it’s a huge ball of fire! Maybe it has something to do with earth’s temperatures!

  • July 13, 2007 at 1:17 am
    Did answer you says:
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    One previous answer to the question of what ended the last ice age was the release of CO2 & Methane from outgassing cows….Don’t you remember?

  • July 13, 2007 at 1:20 am
    Cilly says:
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    IJ says: **The report, “Unnatural Disaster: Global Warming and Our National Parks,” by the National Parks Conservation Association suggests the effects of global warming on the southern Appalachians may be more subtle than glaciers melting in Alaska, but just as significant.**

    And in Algore’s stupid propaganda film he lies to us saying, “Starting in 1970, there was a precipitous drop-off in the amount and extent and thickness of the Arctic ice cap.” This is misleading, according to former University of Winnipeg climatology professor Dr. Tim Ball. “The survey that Gore cites was a single transect across one part of the Arctic basin in the month of October during the 1960s when we were in the middle of the cooling period. The 1990 runs were done in the warmer month of September, using a wholly different technology.”

    Dr. Wibjörn Karlén, emeritus professor, Dept. of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology, Stockholm University, Sweden, explains that a paper published in 2003 by University of Alaska professor Igor Polyakov shows that, the region of the Arctic where rising temperature is supposedly endangering polar bears showed fluctuations since 1940 but no overall temperature rise. “For several published records it is a decrease for the last 50 years.”

  • July 13, 2007 at 1:22 am
    Chilly says:
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    Cow farts?! And your source for this is, what, Dave Chappelle?

    Seriously, please send the peer-reviewed scientific journal in which it was proved that cow farts ended the last Ice Age. Or did Algore tell you that, which would be more believable than any scientific journal.

  • July 13, 2007 at 1:23 am
    HawaiiDuke888 says:
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    Give it some time, they will migrate to something else besides the weather. It’s pathetic that the insurance journal has editors uses the industry to advance their personal political agendas.

  • July 13, 2007 at 1:31 am
    Richard Cheney says:
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    Valerie Plame. Ask Scooter. He can’t stop talking about her.

  • July 13, 2007 at 1:39 am
    gill fin says:
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    “We certainly wouldn’t dispute any of the concerns that they raise,” said Bob Miller, spokesman for the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, noting the NPCA’s proposed solutions “are basically the same things we would suggest.”
    In other words, now armed with study data, they will do what they would have done otherwise. Lucky they got all that great help.

  • July 13, 2007 at 1:57 am
    Don't believe it says:
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    Sorry, I don’t believe any outgassing politicians. Must have read it in some scientific journal somewhere, like Methane Today, Rolling Cows, etc. PS: I don’t disagree, this stuff does not seem to belong here.

  • July 13, 2007 at 3:53 am
    Jed Clampet says:
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    If you don’t believe Al Gore, try visiting Alaska and look at what’s left of glaciers that have melted more in the last 30 years than in the 300,000 years.

    It doesn’t take an Insurance Broker to figure out that this is going to effect all of us.

  • July 13, 2007 at 4:06 am
    HawaiiDuke888 says:
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    Yup, and as I sit here right on my Ocean front home here in Hawaii, my back yard is now part of the Pacific Ocean! The Ocean is rising, it’s rising, Mommy!

  • July 13, 2007 at 4:22 am
    HawaiiDuke888 says:
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    “Is it too much to ask IJ to do the same?”

    One of the problems with the left is they are so insecure on who they are that nobody should dare to question them. A responsible publication will publish both sides. The IJ is not balanced because the editors have no interest in being balanced as their personal adenda comes first. You notice the IJ interviews some Berkeley leftist on the so called “global warming” issue, yet they do not have someone to debate him (and hold him out to be some expert).

    In this interest of fairness, I post this article link from Michelle Malkin…

  • July 13, 2007 at 4:30 am
    Confused says:
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    Help me out…are you folks saying you don’t think the planet is warming or are you saying it’s just not man that’s causing it?

  • July 13, 2007 at 4:53 am
    Gill Fin says:
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    Those are some of the questions. But we dare not ask those questions because some of us have already decided, and darn it, we don’t want to revisit our decision.
    Maybe because we have a lot of money riding on the one decision and can’t afford a different decision. And what if the earth is warming? Is it man made and if so, what does that mean? We are told that many will die as a result of Gorebal warming, but not told how many die each year from a much bigger problem, cold weather. Also, I am a fan of man for many reasons, not the least of which is how adaptable man is to changing conditions. How many weather cycles have we weathered in say, the last 20,000 years? For my region, the northwest, Gorebal warming may represent an improvement to our weather conditions.
    I know its a sin to think that way but I look at how much my environment has changed the last 48 years in all sorts of ways and I tend to think worrying about the weather is kind of stupid. Cut down on pollution? Heck yeah! Get china and India to go along? Good luck. Our water quality, our air quality, our quality of life look better than any time in our life. There are those who really want us to believe otherwise.

  • July 13, 2007 at 6:14 am
    Jed Clampet says:
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    I was going to show these responses to my friends, but the overall immaturity and denial is just too embarrassing.

    I must be in the wrong industry.

    Ya’ll have a nice weekend.

  • July 13, 2007 at 6:32 am
    HawaiiDuke888 says:
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    Don’t forget to remind them about the ozone hole (that all the libs went nuts over), and Ice Age, might be a good idea getting those movements up and running again. You might also want to remind them that is no longer “global warming” it is now called climate change! By the way, emotion are more important than the truth!

  • July 16, 2007 at 7:49 am
    Chilly, says:
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    So Jed, what ended the last Ice Age?

  • July 16, 2007 at 10:15 am
    Jed Clampet says:
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    That calls for speculation. Today we have hard data that shows what the problem is, and what is causing it.
    Emotion over Intellect = Insanity.
    I have to get back to work, but it’s been real interesting sharing opinions with you folks.

  • July 16, 2007 at 11:13 am
    Chilly says:
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    What ended the last Ice Age(s) was a termperature rise that had nothing to do with man. Are you saying that the sun and ocean currents and submarine volcanic activity etc no loinger have any effect on global climate compared to man’s effect? You can obfuscate all you want, but the science is not on Algore’s side. Want some real science?

    Geologist Bruno Wiskel of the University of Alberta recently reversed his view of man-made climate change and instead became a global warming skeptic. Wiskel was once such a big believer in man-made global warming that he set out to build a “Kyoto house” in honor of the UN sanctioned Kyoto Protocol which was signed in 1997. Wiskel wanted to prove that the Kyoto Protocol’s goals were achievable by people making small changes in their lives. But after further examining the science behind Kyoto, Wiskel reversed his scientific views completely and became such a strong skeptic, that he recently wrote a book titled “The Emperor’s New Climate: Debunking the Myth of Global Warming.” A November 15, 2006 Edmonton Sun article explains Wiskel’s conversion while building his “Kyoto house”: “Instead, he said he realized global warming theory was full of holes and ‘red flags,’ and became convinced that humans are not responsible for rising temperatures.” Wiskel now says “the truth has to start somewhere.” Noting that the Earth has been warming for 18,000 years, Wiskel told the Canadian newspaper, “If this happened once and we were the cause of it, that would be cause for concern. But glaciers have been coming and going for billions of years.” Wiskel also said that global warming has gone “from a science to a religion,” and noted that research money is being funneled into promoting climate alarmism instead of funding areas he considers more worthy. “If you funnel money into things that can’t be changed, the money is not going into the places that it is needed,” he said.

  • July 17, 2007 at 1:17 am
    HawaiiDuke888 says:
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    “Emotion over Intellect = Insanity.”

    Touche! It sad that a trade publications give the light of day to this stuff.

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