Senate Democrats Block Repeal of Healthcare Law

February 3, 2011

  • February 3, 2011 at 2:05 pm
    Sarah says:
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    So I guess these 23 democrats running in the senate next year do not want to keep their jobs. Repeal and Replace!

    • February 3, 2011 at 2:09 pm
      Wayne says:
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      I guess not.

  • February 3, 2011 at 2:07 pm
    G says:
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    Darn. I was hoping we could still stay with a system that results in uninsured individuals flooding emergency rooms across the country. That way we don’t have to be honest with ourselves and admit this is a huge problem. Oh well….time to look in the mirror.

    • February 3, 2011 at 2:11 pm
      Sarah is entertaining says:
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      Sarah might have to read this post a few times to get the sarcasm.

    • February 3, 2011 at 4:22 pm
      CT Agent says:
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      Yeah–and now the number of individuals flooding er’s with increase 10 fold yet the number of care givers will either remain the same or be even less than what we have now. I know dr’s that are retiring or getting into a different career just to avoid this BS!! Way to go, Progressives!!

  • February 3, 2011 at 2:09 pm
    Robert says:
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    This is more of a political article rather than an insurance related subject. IJ would be better suited to stick with insurance related topics and stay away from pushing their obvious left ideological agenda.

    • February 3, 2011 at 2:57 pm
      CT Agent says:
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      Ummm…Helllooo, genius…Health Care Reform IS insurance!! Are you awake???

  • February 3, 2011 at 2:09 pm
    marc says:
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    They all need to replaced anyway.

  • February 3, 2011 at 2:10 pm
    Terry says:
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    Shut up, Sarah, we’re sick of you teabaggers.

    • February 7, 2011 at 9:53 am
      Doubting Thomas says:
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      Terry, your ignorance shows no bounds, and your lack of intelligent discourse is deafening.

  • February 3, 2011 at 2:14 pm
    Maxine says:
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    Yep I agree – they really need to have some kind of dialog over this entire mess. By the way, how many of them are willing to go on this “pathetic program” and become one of “us”!!??? nary a one! they have their PPO’s etc…etc…etc…along with their ridiculous skyrocketing salaries with all the perks, people are starving, losing their homes – come on, get real!! How about coming up with a “FLAT TAX” 15% across the board – then everyone would pay their fair share of the tax! sorry, I know this was about the Health bill but…it all ties in together – to much government (Chiefs) and so few indians to do the job!

  • February 3, 2011 at 2:14 pm
    Tom says:
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    By the narrowest of margins, they defeat the will of the people and vote in favor of a oorrupt vote to pass the ogiinal law using parlimentary tricks and bribes all done in light of a Federal judge’s ruling that the law is unconstitutional. How is that for democracy in action. More brazenly, the Obama administration wants to ignore the ruling and press on as if unconstitutional has no meaning. I hope years from now this will become a textbook example of how an ideology was attempted to overcome the over 200 year framework of our system of government. All of this aided and abetted by the self styled 4th branch of government. I am afraid that politician historians will label this period in our history as the “dark ages” of an elist group of “ends justifies the means social justice zealots”.

    • February 3, 2011 at 2:25 pm
      Observer says:
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      Tom, I agree with you. Hopefully, the Democratic Senators who voted to keep the monstrocity and are up in 12 will be shown the door. We the People spoke on 11-2 and politicians beware who fail to heed the will of the people. More than half of the states in this country are in favor of repeal and the law is unconstitutional and should be defunded, if not repealed. By the way, over 740 businesses and unions have opted out of Obamacare. Last month, it was around 200. It seems like the forces of evil may have some problems in the coming months, especially if the Supreme Court gets this case in September.

  • February 3, 2011 at 2:31 pm
    Dave says:
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    I guess those 23 democrats care for their fellow man.

  • February 3, 2011 at 2:34 pm
    Kitty says:
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    How can unions have the special rights; with all the discrimination
    lawsuits, how do they still get away with it. They are overpaid and underworked as far as I am concerned. Since when, just because
    they are backed by a union, does a glorified receptionist make $22 an hour! Get real.

  • February 3, 2011 at 2:54 pm
    Gary Jefferies says:
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    While senate demos blocked the repeal of Obamacare 2-2-11 it was still a close vote. Obamacare is the biggest enfringement on American’s personal rights ever…. it is so frightening. Multiple layers of unprecedented taxation, ability to get in your bank account on a whim and the ability to ‘fine you’ if the Fed does not like your own healthcare program. Non-doctors or ‘administrators’ making life and death decisions on the elderly. This will changer the face opf America if it is allowsed to remain on the books as it is.

    • February 3, 2011 at 3:52 pm
      D says:
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      Give your audience specifics on how the evil Obama has infringed on your personal rights. I would like to know what has been done and how it directly affects you. I cannot recall any infringement on my rights, including the tax cuts included in the stimulus bill enacted last year. The fine you referred to is not based on the likes and dislikes of the Federal government. It has to do with either having health care coverage or not. The second to last sentence of your post is right out of the Sarah Palin dealth panel manifesto and has been debunked many times over.

      • February 3, 2011 at 4:12 pm
        Observer says:
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        D, Perhaps you should read the bill, unlike the legislators failed to do before voting for it and you will see 2,700 pages of infringements of rights, many of which have nothing to do with Healthcare. What does the 1099 requirement for businesses have to do with it? How about the 3.8% excise tax for selling your home? Mandates galore that you must buy it or face a fine. Does this sound like what the Founding Fathers had in mind?

        • February 3, 2011 at 4:29 pm
          Terry says:
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          Ob – That would be a 3.8% excise tax on profits over $250K ($500K for sale by a married couple). So, if you bought a house for $250K you can sell it up to $500K, and no tax. If you’re married, you can sell it for $750K before the $3.8% tax is imposed on the amount in excess of $750K. I thought you said you read the bill?

      • February 3, 2011 at 5:28 pm
        Glenn says:
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  • February 3, 2011 at 2:55 pm
    CT Agent says:
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    Do Democrats just make up the law as they go? A Federal Judge clearly ruled that the debacle that they are calling Health Care Reform is unconstitutional. They need to clean the crap out of their ears and wipe the s*** out of their eyes because the American people have spoken and the majority of us do not want this the way it is written!! No wonder Democrats are despised by so many true Americans. They are ruining our Country.

    • February 3, 2011 at 3:25 pm
      Terry says:
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      Two federal district courts have ruled the law is new health care law is constitutional and two federal district courts (including one who plagiarized the brief of the Family Research Council)said just the mandate was unconstitutional. Eleven other challenges were simply thrown out on a motion to dismiss. Republicans and T-baggers: You can have your own uninformed opinion but you can’t have your own facts.

      • February 3, 2011 at 3:35 pm
        CT Agent says:
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        Yeah, but when a Progressive/Socialist president (or, so called, anyway…named Barrack Obama) realizes that the majority of the country loved a Capitalist/Republican President named Ronald Reagan, he all of a sudden wants to have people believe that Reagan was one of his role models. The worse case of propaganda BS I’ve ever heard of. The MAJOR difference between the two men: Ronald Reagan LOVED AMERICA. Obama?? Well, you do the math..

        • February 3, 2011 at 3:41 pm
          Terry says:
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          Math, huh? No wonder.

          • February 3, 2011 at 4:20 pm
            CT Agent says:
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            Good come back, Terry!! I guess that’s all you could come up with?

          • February 3, 2011 at 4:33 pm
            Terry says:
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            You weren’t worth it.

        • February 4, 2011 at 9:50 am
          Observer says:
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          Obama is no Reagan. Two polar opposites. Reagan was the greatest President of the past 100 years and Obama is pushing Carter as the worst.

      • February 3, 2011 at 5:48 pm
        1099 says:
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        The decision is not about healthcare – its about the federalist system, the constitution, and congressional boundaries. You know..commerce clause, enumeration, etc.

        The mandate is unconstitutional and because the democrats ignorantly forgot to include a severability clause (which a previous version of the bill had LOL) the whole law is struck down.

        Who cares about the two other decisions or other challenges? They are immaterial. This is court not a baseball game. Once a court finds legislation unconstitutional its over. Fin. Until it reaches the supreme court no state is obligated to recognize the law.

        It doesn’t become law again because another court upheld it.

        • February 3, 2011 at 7:13 pm
          Terry says:
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          1099 – Sorry, the fat lady (probably diabetic with no coverage)is not singing yet. Enforcement of the decision is likely to be stayed pending appeal — and health care insurance reform will move forward.

          • February 4, 2011 at 8:58 am
            CT Agent says:
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            And you are in perfect health? How absolutely presumptuous of you to even make a comment like that. People like you make me sick.

          • February 11, 2011 at 1:09 pm
            1099 says:
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            I didn’t say whether healthcare “reform” was going to move forward or not. I simply illustrated your ignorance about judicial procedure. You quite successfully illustrated all other naivete yourself.

  • February 3, 2011 at 3:44 pm
    Sarah says:
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    If this healthcare plan is so good for the working person, Why have all the Unions recieved exemptions from the law? Funny how they pushed for the law but do not wish it to apply to them.

    Liberal Democrats are hypocrits. If it is so good for everyone, why does this law not apply to members of congress?

    “Comon” Repeal and replace this massive buget busting pile of s**t

  • February 3, 2011 at 3:59 pm
    Terry says:
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    Nothing hypocritical about it. These routine and temporary waivers of certain restrictions on “mini med” plans are intended to smooth the transition towards full implementation in 2014, when people who currently have such plans will be able to get tax breaks for adequate private insurance. Sounds like good policy-making to me.

    • February 3, 2011 at 4:25 pm
      CT Agent says:
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      You poor, poor brain-washed thing, you.

      • February 3, 2011 at 5:20 pm
        Terry says:
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        How’s Rush, ditto-head?

        • February 4, 2011 at 9:00 am
          CT Agent says:
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          He’s speakin’ the truth, baby…just speakin’ the truth.

    • February 3, 2011 at 4:47 pm
      Observer says:
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      Spoken like a true believer Terry. If you remember, the unions have the “Cadillac” plans they didn’t want touched. Why are so many of them opting out of Obamacare? SEIU, AFL-CIO and others don’t want this plan afterall after giving Obama so much money to implement it. Something is very rotten in Denmark.

      • February 4, 2011 at 9:16 am
        CT Agent says:
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        Sounds to me like Terry drank the Kool-Aid….

  • February 3, 2011 at 4:14 pm
    TXHawkeye says:
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    When Obama and congressinal democrats agree to go under their plan, one they had to bribe fellow democrats to support, then we have something to talk about. Grassley (R) from IA wanted to amend the plan to include congress but Harry Reid struck that. Wonder why?

  • February 3, 2011 at 5:19 pm
    Bill the agent says:
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    Proof that a competitive, and very good, healthcare system, needs improvement is not a mandate to destroy it; which is what Obamacare set out to do. The fact is that a 1300 page monster (that nobody cared to read), morphed into a 2400 page monster (that had to be passed, “so we could THEN read it..”), hiding numerous federal examples of over-reach and over-kill. The majority of US citizens did not want it; and the Dems passed it anyway, along party lines (simply because “they could”). Why the 1099 requirement? Why leave out any mention of legal reform (which protects the few, while penalizing the many..)? Why exempt unions and federal employees from the same mandates? It stinks of socialism, because that is what it is, and that is what the Democrats are all about. There is no way for socialism to outperform capitalism, except that socialism be forced down the throats of its citizens, diluting their rights, taking away their freedoms, and giving them NO choice other than to turn to the “government” for crumbs.

    • February 3, 2011 at 6:01 pm
      Observer says:
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      I like how you think Bill. The Progressive Bloggers won’t like it, but you speak the truth.

  • February 4, 2011 at 11:25 am
    pianoman88 says:
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    Direct quotes from the many posts:
    Republican / Boehner / Palin = Teabaggers, Elitist, True Americans, love America, Ditto heads

    Democrat / Obama / Reid / Pelosi = Socialist, Leftist, Communist, Elitist, Social Justice zealot, anti-American, Corrupt, Despised, hate America, ignorant, brainwashed, bribed Congress.

    C’mon, people, let’s have civil, INFORMED debate. Stop the name calling and polarization. THAT’s what we voted against last November, and if it continues, we’ll have another purge next time.

    You simply cannot call ours ‘The best health care system in the world’ when tens of millions cannot (or choose not to) participate. We MUST come up with a way to provide some level of health care to EVERYONE. Not so long ago, the opposition was saying the same thing about Social Security, and it’s been rather successful. Let’s resolve the issue like grownups and move on.

    • February 4, 2011 at 11:46 am
      Ralph Kramden says:
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      You nailed it and didn’t realize it, Pianoman88. “…when tens of millions cannot (or choose not to) participate. Why should the ones who choose not to participate get fined?!? Why does the government think that they have the right to infringe on people like that?

      • February 4, 2011 at 2:21 pm
        Alice says:
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        Ralph, Do you have a job? Do you pay taxes? Guess what, if both of these questions are answered yes then you can be sure that the ones who choose not to participate along with those who say they can’t (for any number of reasons, true or false) have better health insurance than those of us who do have jobs and pay taxes. It is called “Tax Payer Coverage.” This is the kind of coverage that you get when your fellow tax payer covers you for all of your medical care for free!
        If I quit my job and stop paying taxes, I can have that insurance plan too! Do you have a better idea to make everyone step up to the plate and stop living off of the backs of the 48% of the American people who pay the bills for other 52% of deadbeats?
        Or perhaps you are one of the 52%? I hope not.

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