U.S. Traffic Deaths Dropped to New Low in 2010

April 1, 2011

  • April 2, 2011 at 9:07 am
    BS says:
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    What a crock. Anyone who follows these statistics tracked in the NHTSA FARS database knows they are not released for public consumption until Sept of the following year.

    The old beat the dead horse that drunk driving is a major killer on our roadways, the big lie by the MADD run NHTSA.

    97% of crashes involving a fatality are speed or inattentiveness. There is just no temperance movement of professional victims on the government take spreading propaganda related to that FACT.

    Remember all, you need a driver to kill. Ask yourself, how many DRIVERS did the killing. NHTSA smoke and mirrors methodology to wave the magic wand and inflate there numbers. Laws are passed against drivers, not the resultant fatalities.

  • April 4, 2011 at 9:19 am
    Jester says:
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    Great news no thanks to the INCREASING number of idiots behind the wheel. If it weren’t for better road engineering and safety of vehicles, this number would increas dramtically. And who says you can’t protect people from their own stupidity?

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