EEOC Invites Public Comment on Employment Regulations

March 18, 2015

Those wishing to tell the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) what they think of the agency’s existing regulations are being given the opportunity.

The EEOC, which enforces laws on employment discrimination, has invited the public to comment on “significant existing EEOC regulations to determine whether they should be modified, streamlined, expanded or repealed.”

The EEOC review is in accordance with a 2011 executive order by President Obama, who directed federal agencies to develop plans for periodically reviewing significant regulations to make them more effective in achieving their regulatory objectives and less burdensome to the public.

The EEOC is inviting members of the public to provide feedback on the following questions:

  • Which regulations and/or reporting requirements should the EEOC consider for review, modification, streamlining, expansion or elimination, and why?
  • Are any EEOC regulations and/or reporting requirements outdated, ineffective, insufficient, inconsistent, redundant, duplicative or excessively burdensome?
  • Are there alternative regulatory approaches for particular EEOC regulations and/or reporting requirements that would reduce the burden on regulated entities while maintaining the same level of protection for applicants, employees, employers, employment agencies, federal agencies and unions? If so, please describe.

Comments may be submitted to through April 20, 2015.

The EEOC said comments may be disclosed to the public. While private or personally identifying infor­mation will be redacted, the agency asks commenters to not include any information in submitted comments that they would not want made public.

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