Trying to Fit In at Work, Veterans Downplay Military Service, Injuries

By | November 11, 2015

  • November 11, 2015 at 3:01 pm
    Crain says:
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    We need to change something in our culture if veterans feel the need to conceal their service. They are the heroes that have made the ultimate sacrifices and kept us free.

    To all veterans, thank you for the freedom of my wife, my children, our society, and me. You are respected and honored on this day and the other 364 (365 next year) as well.

    • November 11, 2015 at 3:27 pm
      Rosenblatt says:
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      Never having served, I can’t speak for veterans and why some prefer to downplay their service. What I can say is that it is beyond disgusting that our military has to pay sports teams to have ‘military night’ or an in-game break to honor someone who has served.

      The teams and owners already make enough money (“free” stadiums where they reap 100% of the profits, exorbitant ticket and concession prices, television and radio deals, etc.) that they shouldn’t accept anything from any branch to honor those who have risked their lives to keep our country safe.

    • November 11, 2015 at 4:09 pm
      Agent says:
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      Crain, thank God for our veterans for protecting our freedom that we enjoy. I am a veteran as well and proudly served. I have a lot of friends who are also ex-military. I am glad that many employers are recognizing that hiring a veteran is a good thing.

      It really is too bad how the VA treats or fails to treat our Veterans. 3,000+ have died waiting for treatment and 870,000 are awaiting treatment. I for one would never go to the VA for anything. I have heard too many stories about what they have done and they don’t seem to be accountable.

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