Trump Liable for Sex Abuse, Must Pay $5 Million to Carroll

  • May 10, 2023 at 9:24 am
    Four Seasons Total Landscaping says:
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    and absolutely NONE of his base will change their opinion of him. Had he won, they would’ve claimed vindication. Since he lost, it was obviously “RIGGED”.

    Seriously…what’s it going to take??? Twice impeached, convicted of sexual abuse, a lifetime of cheating in business and on his wives, plenty more indictments coming. I’m so old I can remember when character mattered, at least a little.

  • May 10, 2023 at 10:01 am
    John Dough says:
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    I saw part of his taped deposition.

    Of course he said Carroll wasn’t his type but then when shown a photo, he mistook Carroll for his ex-wife Marla (I’m not exaggerating or joking!)…which basically shows that based on looks, Carroll was exactly his type since (very oddly) he couldn’t distinguish one from the other.

    That, and his natural propensity, if not his Superpower, to walk right into a plethora of other unforced errors, is why his attorneys wouldn’t let him take the stand.

    What a Very Stable Genius.

  • May 10, 2023 at 1:26 pm
    reality bites says:
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    He didn’t lose because of whether his private parts were involved (found not liable for rape) but because he cannot shut off his mouth or tone his personality down in ANY circumstance. I don’t understand how he retains female voters as he has so little concern for them.

    Certainly, there MUST be a better GOP candidate other than Mini-me DeSanctimonious. Or a better DEM candidate too. 🐂💩

  • May 10, 2023 at 1:46 pm
    Sac916 says:
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    To answer Four Seasons Total Landscaping, “Long-Term Prison.” I also remember when character and integrity mattered. His base isn’t in touch with reality any more than he is, yet the attention he garners is like a pandemic. So, the sickness spreads until he is found guilty of criminal charges. His imprisonment is the first dose of an effective vaccine against him, just like it was for other famous men who, as he said during his deposition, “unfortunately, or fortunately,” got away with sexually assaulting women until they didn’t. To all the women who have experienced these horrible assaults by him or other men or women, you deserve so much more than his consequences. So much more.

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