Report: Texas Accounts 40% of U.S. Oil Field Deaths

February 24, 2014

  • February 25, 2014 at 1:48 pm
    Libby says:
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    Of course they do.

  • February 25, 2014 at 3:08 pm
    perplexed says:
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    What’s that supposed to mean?

    • February 27, 2014 at 12:31 pm
      Agent says:
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      Perplexed, Libby is a Texas hater of the first order. She failed to mention that the Federal Government has failed for 22 years to establish safety standards for onshore Oil & Gas and monitor their activities. We have also had some failures with Workers Compensation carriers to inspect, do recommendations on some of these drillers and well servicers. I know one thing, if Texas Mutual had their coverage, they do thorough inspections, recommendations for safe operations because they have the know how. The Feds, not so much since they are dufuses.

  • March 3, 2014 at 6:35 pm
    oh-heck says:
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    Not surprising since roughly 45% of the drilling rigs in the US are operating in TX. But these aren’t old rigs, they are state of the art rigs to do horizontal drilling. I wonder how much of the data dates to the earlier years in the period. The well that touched off the current frenzy of drilling didn’t happen until late 2008.

    I wouldn’t point to offshore drilling as a model. They had deemed a blow out as virtually impossible. When it occurred, they didn’t have the fire booms that were in the emergency response plan. Instead of containing and burning the oil they pumped tens of thousands of gallons of surfactant into the GOM to disperse the oil.

  • October 8, 2014 at 7:19 pm
    Gene Highfill says:
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    I am an old oilfield hand, began in 1980. I have seen a few terrible accidents. Which in every case was an accident that was caused by more than one varible, equipment, someone not seing everything, and under every one of the accidents the only constant varriable was speed. Trying to get a job done fast so that the crew looked good, the rig manager was happy, the companyman, was happy, so the office was happy. Out of every accident that I have seen, only once did I see office bosses come to the job, to find out the truth about the accident. In none the of cases do I believe the real truth was ever fully disclosed. In ever accident there was more to it than the man that was killed being at total fault. Only one of the accidents that I witnessed was the family of the victim ever taken care in a manner that was close to being enough to help take care of a family. I will admit that when several men are working hard and fast, that things can happen, but the companies give insentives for doing the jobs fast, along with insentives for safety. I would really like too find a cite to investigate some of the accidents I have witnessed in order to see how muc truth was told.

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