Woman Says T-Shirt Cannon Broke Finger; Sues Astros for $1M

April 11, 2019

  • April 11, 2019 at 12:41 pm
    reality bites says:
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    Why doesn’t the aggrieved party just take the Mil, give them the finger, and call it an even trade?

  • April 11, 2019 at 1:39 pm
    Jack King says:
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    Why not sue the cannon manufacturer as well?
    I am trying to think of a non-sport playing person whose finger is worth $1 million. I have never heard of Harughty before. Is she a finger model? A sniper?

    • April 12, 2019 at 11:24 am
      Agent says:
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      WC doesn’t pay a million to a worker who breaks a finger on an on job accident.

      • April 15, 2019 at 8:17 am
        retired risk manager says:
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        Technically, wc doesn’t pay anything for a body part. Under the old wc rules, there was a defined amount for body parts. Under the new/current system, an injured finger is assigned an impairment rating. So, if the injured finger warrants a 3% rating, the employee would receive 9 weeks of disability payments as compensation. That’s it. Of course, given how the definition of a disability rating has been distorted, the finger being connected to the hand, the hand connected to the wrist, the wrist connected to the forearm, the forearm connected to the elbow …… all of a sudden we have a neck injury. Yep, as the Farmers ad says, we’ve seen it all. The plaintiffs have gotten good at “enhancing” the %. The goal is to get the % above 15%.

        • April 15, 2019 at 1:42 pm
          Chris says:
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          Reminds me of a song from my childhood. ; )

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