Workers’ Comp Dockets Temporarily Closed in Oklahoma; Louisiana WC Court Appearances Still On

March 17, 2020

The Oklahoma Workers’ Compensation Commission (WCC) said it is striking all commission dockets in Oklahoma City and Tulsa set during the week of March 16, and has closed the administrative offices in both Oklahoma City and Tulsa for two days — March 16 and March 17 — as a precaution due to the spread of COVID-19.

Commission dockets will be reset, and case filing deadlines will be extended once commission administrative hearing operations are reestablished.

WCC employees will remain at home on paid administrative leave during the two days of office closure..

In Louisiana, the Office of Workers’ Compensation said court appearances will continue between March 16 and March 27. After those dates they will be rescheduled on an expedited basis. No court appearance are allowed to be conducted by phone.

In addition, all in-person mediation conferences shall be continued between March 16 and March 27, and rescheduled afterwards on an expedited basis.

Because of the COVID-19 coronavirus, facsimile filing should be encouraged as much as possible, inasmuch as the state desires to limit unnecessary personal interactions and to promote social distancing, the OWC said.

In Texas, the Division of Workers’ Compensation reported that beginning March 16, the division would hold Benefit Review Conferences by telephone. DWC staff will contact parties to provide details.

Contested Case Hearings (CCH) scheduled for March 16-27, 2020, will be rescheduled. Beginning March 30, 2020, CCHs will resume and be conducted by telephone. Parties should send exhibits they will offer into evidence to DWC and other parties at least three business days prior to the scheduled CCH. DWC encourages parties to use encrypted email or fax when exchanging evidence.

Topics Workers' Compensation Louisiana Oklahoma

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