Miss. AG Claims Companies Using ‘Delay Tactics’

March 27, 2006

  • March 28, 2006 at 10:01 am
    drudy says:
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    doesn\’t surprise me with these two carriers. as winston churchill once said \”if your going through hell, keep on going\”.

  • March 28, 2006 at 2:22 am
    tom mchenry says:
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    Will Hood ever stop talking to himself, probably not, he likes to hear himself talk. The problem is that storm surge isn\’t covered under the policies. Never was and for the sake of the Gulf Coast rehabilitation, let\’s hope that it never does. If the courts allow policies to be retroactively written there won\’t be a insurance market or a stable insurance enviroment that would allow for the rehabilitation of those affected by the storm. There\’s a reason the NFIP exists, let the AG recognize this fact and stop holding out hope for those that will never see relief.

  • March 29, 2006 at 6:35 am
    Retro Man says:
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    The reason State Farm and Allstate want the case tried in Federal court rather than at the State Level is because the State court might be inclined to rule based on political expediency rather than point of law. (State officials ruling in favor of their political interests?,no that can\’t happen in Mississippi!! or anywhere else for that matter.) While I acknowledge and sympathize with the pain and suffering of the Katrina victims, everyone\’s efforts (including AG Hood) should be concentrated on Federal and State relief…including eliminating any logjams in the \”flood\” of disaster recovery resources promised but not yet delivered upon.

  • March 30, 2006 at 9:21 am
    fmkeller says:
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    it looks like a good way for hood to form the only company doing business within the state

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