Florida Court Restricts Litigation Notice Rule Under No-Fault

February 11, 2010

  • February 11, 2010 at 4:11 am
    Florida Resident says:
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    This is a great opinion. Now insurers like United Automobile Insurance Company will not be permitted to use this loop hole to deny claims. For some reason United Auto denies most claims and they get away with it.

  • February 11, 2010 at 4:15 am
    Dick Parillo says:
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    That is a great comment. It is true, in my experience, United Automobile denies many claims. They have a list of doctors they use to deny claims after they ignore the bills for months. The State needs to look into this company’s business practice of improperly denying claims. Corporate greed is still greed. Plus, United Automobile clogs up the court system because they are constantly being sued for improperly denying claims. Fortunately, most jurors see right threw their business model of deny claims.

  • February 11, 2010 at 4:31 am
    Robert says:
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    I used to be insured with United Automobile. I got into a very serious car accident back in 2007. United Automobile refused to pay for my medical bills. I had to get a lawyer to help me get those bills paid. I remember United Auto said that the demand letter my lawyer sent was not proper. They eventually lost. Thank god I had a good lawyer to help me. The insurance companies always fight every little thing.

  • February 11, 2010 at 4:47 am
    Florida Insured says:
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    I am glad to see that our Courts have stood up to the insurance company. Too many time you buy insurance that says one thing and then after you make a claim the insurance company says the policy does not mean what it seems to say. I have heard of people having their claims denied by some company called United Automobile for no reason or because of some clause in the policy that was never explained to that person.

  • February 12, 2010 at 9:07 am
    Maria says:
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    Insurance Companies should have the right to investigate each claim. 99.999999999%
    of these claims are Fraudulant The insured, clinic and Attorneys are sucking the system dry. Where does it end.

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