South Carolina Lawmakers Agree on Copper Theft Bill

June 17, 2011

A South Carolina bill designed to curb thieves from ripping copper from air-conditioning units and farm irrigation systems is heading to Gov. Nikki Haley.

The Senate voted 39-1 this week to agree to changes made in the House. The amended bill bans cash sales for copper and requires both the seller and recycler to obtain permits from local law enforcement.

It requires metal recyclers to record information on the sale, including the seller’s photograph, a copy of the permit and the license plate number.

The bill’s supporters say thieves are destroying property for a few dollars’ worth of copper. Law enforcement says copper theft from homes, churches and farms is the top crime in some rural counties.

Insurers have also cited increased claims. Robert Bedell of Southern Mutual Church Insurance Co. said his company processed $1.2 million in insurance claims last year due to copper thefts at churches.

Topics Fraud Legislation South Carolina

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