SEC Filing: Duke Energy Expects to Settle Criminal Charges from Spill for $100M

By and | February 20, 2015

  • February 24, 2015 at 2:27 am
    Alex Winter says:
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    In the initial deal they weren’t even charged with having to clean up their mess?? If it means using every dollar of profit they’ve earned they should be made to clean up every last drop of it. And they’ve been polluting for years .. and would keep polluting if they weren’t finally stopped? Is there no shame at all? How do North Carolinians vote in someone to lead their state that they should have known would protect polluters against their interests?
    I don’t want to hear about Big Government overreach and regulations. The private sector has proven time and again, they can’t be trusted to just be honest when left alone and will pollute even institutions in place to keep them honest.

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