Experts Predict Devastating Ariz. Wildfire Season

February 3, 2006

  • February 6, 2006 at 8:15 am
    John Anderson says:
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    For the first time in over ten (10) years,
    the international aviation press has covered the only proven super-large firefighting aircraft. This, at a time Mark Rey, of the USDA, is trying to convince audiences that smaller-volume firefighting aircraft are sufficient to address the US\’ needs.

    The insurance industry would do well to examine the December \’05 edition of AIR International (UK) to find out which of the superlarge (and one merely large) jet aircraft that journal finds is truly ready to fight wildfire.

    Reportedly, the US Forest Service has made use of the IL-76 waterbomber \’illegal\’. What they really mean to say is that policy was specially crafted to keep the IL-76 waterbomber out of service in the US.

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