Study: Calif. Workers’ Comp Claimants Getting Care They Want

May 12, 2010

  • May 16, 2010 at 2:26 am
    Dana Luby says:
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    The words Propaganda and Fraud come to mind when I read these articles. My husbands lack of medical care, all in an effort by this system to save a dime has left him to deal with further medical complications. Since the original knee injury he suffered 11 years ago, legal wrangling has delayed treatment to a point that he has a whole new set of medical problems. We recently lost my husband’s TTD when the insurance companies attorney literally lied, stating my husband did not keep several doctor’s appointments. Even with proof that this did not happen, we were unable to recoup the two months of TTD payments that has come close to putting our family on the streets! My husband now must face several surgeries due to compensible injuries suffered when he could not get the insurance company to send him to a doctor for over a year! It is not the injured workers that should be investigated for fraud, but the fraudulent practices set forth by these insurance companies, and their hired guns that do their bidding. All thanks to the good old gov!

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