California Commissioner Applauds Supreme Court Decision Against Hartford

August 25, 2015

  • August 26, 2015 at 1:31 pm
    SacFlood says:
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    If you accept the premium, and the sixty day Underwriting window is passed, then you must accept Liability for a covered loss, even if the Insured has secured coverage via another carrier in another/new/future policy term. Hartford should know that it is still liable for losses which occurred during the policy period where it was the carrier on the risk. Thank God that CA Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones and his staff are on the job. The Hartford has been around since 1810. It shouldn’t take 205 years to finally understood how insurance works, and then only after it being forced down your throat by an Ins. Comm.

  • August 27, 2015 at 9:06 pm
    County Line says:
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    If the Hartford coverage was a standard Occurrence Form, it is a no-brainer that an occurrence is absolutely covered as long as the incident wasn’t otherwise excluded in the coverage contract.

    Surely Hartford was pained that the insured left them for a better coverage arrangement elsewhere. But retaliating by unfairly denying coverage was a stunning and transparent display of corporate foolishness. Talk about intentionally shooting yourself in the foot!

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