Arkansas Nominee Selected as the 2019 National Outstanding CSR of the Year

Sponsored Content By | September 9, 2019

Austin, TX, September 9, 2019Mary Katherine Henderson, CIC, Account Manager for Insurance Center, Inc., in Little Rock, AR, has been awarded the most prestigious honor available to insurance customer service representatives: National Outstanding CSR of the Year.

The Society of Certified Insurance Service Representatives (CISR) and the Society of Certified Insurance Counselors (CIC) selected Ms. Henderson as the national winner from a field of 38 state winners. After five national finalists were chosen, a panel of judges evaluated their individual contributions to the insurance community and essays written on the topic: “Many agencies recognize the professionalism and knowledge of Account Managers and CSRs who successfully weave sales into their day-to-day responsibilities. Please summarize the sales training (if any) you’ve received from your agency or company and discuss what you believe are the three (3) most effective sales techniques or tools that make you a better Account Manager/CSR.”

In her essay, Ms. Henderson mentions that building trust is a very important part of open communication and is one of her most effective sales tools. She states:

“By taking the time to personally interact with my customers, I’m building a relationship with them. Trust plays a large part in a client’s decision on where to place insurance coverages, and by providing open, honest, and frequent communication with my customers, I’m earning that trust.”

Ms. Henderson receives a cash award of $2,000, a distinctive gold and diamond lapel pin, and her name on a sculpture at The National Alliance headquarters. A National Alliance scholarship will be awarded to her employer, Insurance Center, Inc.

In addition to the national winner, four national finalists were chosen from a competitive field of applicants:

  • Marcella R. Beasley, MA, CISR, CRIS, CLP, with Alliant Insurance Services, Inc., in Fresno, CA
  • Katie J. Bohrer, CISR, with Peterson Bros Insurance, in Omaha, NE
  • Barbara J. Henrich, CISR, AU, with Howalt McDowell Insurance, a Marsh & McLennan Agency, LLC, in Sioux Falls, SD
  • Neely A. Lorimer, CISR Elite with NFP, in Longview, WA

Each finalist receives a gold and garnet lapel pin, $500 cash award, and publicity in a national trade journal.

For additional information about this award, contact The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research: P. O. Box 27027, Austin, Texas 78755-2027; 800-633-2165; Email; Website:

Media Contact:
Danielle D. Janecka
Head of Participant Experience
The Society of Certified Insurance Service Representatives

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