driver data News

Senators Call on FTC to Investigate Automakers’ Sale of Driving Data

Two U.S. senators are calling on the Federal Trade Commission to investigate automakers selling customers’ driving data to brokers who package it and then sell it to insurance companies. In a letter to FTC Chairwoman Linda Khan, Democrats Ron Wyden …

GM Ends OnStar Driver Safety Program After Privacy Complaints

General Motors Co. has ended its OnStar Smart Driver program after customers complained it violated their privacy. OnStar had cut deals with LexisNexis and Verisk to share personal driving data as part of the program, which they then shared with …

Who Owns Tesla Vehicle Performance Data?

At the end of an interview with the founder of Quantiv Risk, an insurtech that helps carriers make sense of performance data from vehicles with advanced driver assistance systems, Carrier Management posed a big picture question: Who owns the data—the …

Toyota Offering Auto Insurance With Farmers’ Toggle in 5 States With More to Come

Automaker Toyota’s insurance arm has begun selling its first branded insurance coverage, Toyota Auto Insurance, in Arizona, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and South Carolina, and will soon be offering the coverage in Georgia, Missouri, Tennessee and Texas. The insurance agency said …

Honda App Links Feedback on Drivers to Insurance Carriers via Verisk

Honda Motor Co. is offering an app that scores the safety of car owners’ driving habits and links with insurance carriers that can offer discounts to drivers who are deemed a good risk. The Driver Feedback app is available to …

Smart Car Makers See Safety Enhancements Turning Into Revenue Opportunities

As vehicles get smarter, your car will be keeping eyes on you. This week at CES, the international consumer electronics show in Las Vegas, a host of startup companies will demonstrate to global automakers how the sensor technology that watches …

Telematics Changing Drivers’ Behavior: Insurance Research

Telematics devices offered by auto insurers appear to working to change the behavior of drivers. More than half (56 percent) of the 1,135 drivers participating in an Insurance Research Council (IRC) public opinion survey said they have made changes in …

Allstate Sees Profit in Selling Customer Driving Data

Allstate Corp. said improved technology will eventually give the auto insurer a chance to boost revenue by selling customer driving data, much as Google Inc. profits by collecting information on those who use its search engine. “There are lots of …

Global Car Insurers Offer Discounts – If They Can Monitor Driving Data

Insurance companies around the world are promising lower rates on car coverage. The catch is they want to install the equivalent of an airplane’s black box to track how and where you drive. Smartphone applications and devices that record trip …