employee lawsuits News

Your Boss Can Snoop on Your Personal E-Mails, European Court Rules

Bosses can snoop on workers’ e-mails including personal messages with loved ones during working hours, the European Court of Human Rights ruled in a case brought by a Romanian man who claimed he was unfairly fired after his employer spied …

West Virginia House Clears Reform Bill for Deliberate Intent Lawsuit Protections

The GOP-led West Virginia House of Delegates voted 59-38 Tuesday to scale back deliberate intent lawsuit protections. When there’s a known unsafe working condition that hurts or kills someone, the lawsuits are available, in addition to making workers’ compensation claims. …

Missouri House Approves Bill on Suing Co-Workers

Missouri lawmakers likely will not pass any legislation moving claims related to deadly work-related diseases into the workers’ compensation system, Senate Majority Leader Tom Dempsey said. The state Legislature will instead settle for a measure that prevents employees from suing …