global warming News

Devastating Wildfire Burns Down Almost 50% of Western Canadian Tourist Town

A raging wildfire has devastated the western Canadian tourist town of Jasper, potentially destroying up to 50% of structures, and firefighters were trying Thursday to save as many buildings as possible, authorities said. Jasper is in the middle of mountainous …

World Records Hottest Day While Wildfires Threaten Mediterranean

The world recorded its hottest ever day, as many parts of the Mediterranean face extreme wildfire risks. Sunday witnessed the highest average temperature on Earth, breaching a previous record set a year ago, according to provisional data from the European …

Islamic Insurance Helps Cover Muslim Farmers Battling Climate Change

On his four and a half acres of land in central Pakistan, Izhar ul-Haq approaches farming as a science. He knows the precise acidity of the soil and the exact amount of brackish groundwater his crops can tolerate if mixed …

UK’s First Coal Mine in 30 Years Faces Climate Court Test

Climate groups called a decision to open the UK’s first deep coal mine in more than three decades unlawful, claiming that approval was granted without taking into account all the harmful emissions that it would produce. Lawyers for Friends of …

The World’s Power Grids Are Failing as the Planet Warms

Under the blazing Adriatic sun, life almost stopped in Montenegro’s capital Podgorica earlier this summer. Cars and buses were stuck in gridlock as traffic lights went out, the internet crashed, and security alarms blared in reaction to a sudden loss …

Wildfires Encircle Canada’s Oil-Sands City Amid Hot Weather

A ring of wildfires has erupted around Canada’s unofficial oil-sands capital of Fort McMurray, adding new threats to crude production from the world’s third-largest petroleum reserves. Eight out-of-control blazes have been discovered just south and southwest of the city since …

Canada Insurers Investing in Fossil Fuels as Climate Risks Grow: Shareholder Group

Canada’s top property and casualty insurers have invested more than C$19.5 billion ($14.30 billion) in fossil fuels production at a time when climate change is driving up risks for the industry, according to a report by a shareholder advocacy group. …

Earth Continues Streak of Record-Shattering Hot Months

Earth’s more than year-long streak of record-shattering hot months kept on simmering through June, according to the European climate service Copernicus. There’s hope that the planet will soon see an end to the record-setting part of the heat streak, but …

Zimbabwe Gets $32 Million in Drought Insurance From Agency of African Union

Zimbabwe received $31.8 million from African Risk Capacity, an arm of the African Union, as part of an insurance payout for the devastation the country suffered from an El Niño-induced drought. Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube told reporters on Thursday in …

Right-Wing Political Tilt in Countries Across Globe Will Not Derail Climate Action

A political tilt to the right in Europe and a potential Trump presidency in the U.S. will not derail climate efforts as businesses are increasingly locked into green strategies, delegates at London Climate Action Week heard. A big election year, …