malt barley News

Schumer Seeks Help for N.Y. Craft Beer Industry with Crop Insurance Program

U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer wrapped up another tour of New York’s 62 counties Friday with a call for greater federal help for the state’s craft beer industry. During a stop at a brewery in the Columbia County community of Chatham, …

More New York Malt Barley Farmers Eligible for Crop Insurance

Malt barley farmers in 44 upstate New York counties are now eligible for crop insurance from the federal government. Malt barley is a necessary ingredient in beer and spirits, and the lack of crop insurance had hindered expansion of the …

Feds Urged to Establish Crop Insurance for Central N.Y. Malt Barley Farmers

U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer, D–N.Y., is calling on the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to establish a crop insurance program for Central New York farmers who grow malt barley. Speaking at the Empire Farmstead Brewery in Madison County, New York, …