More than $564,000 Raised for Bridge Disaster Fund

September 11, 2007

The fund set up to help victims of the Interstate 35W bridge collapse has grown to more than $564,000, organizers said.

Much of the money was to start getting distributed this week to groups that offered help such as counseling and medical cost reimbursement.

Churches and charities that help disaster victims, their families and first responders have submitted proposals showing how their budgets were stretched after the April first collapse in Minneapolis.

The Minnesota Helps _ Bridge Disaster Fund was organized by several Twin Cities philanthropic foundations. Organizers said nearly 1,000 groups and people have contributed.

Some of the money is from fundraisers such as a mud football tournament, church collections and contribution from sports teams. There was a benefit concert at the Fine Line Music Cafe in Minneapolis. Some people made gifts online.

“I think the message is that Minnesotans … had a tremendous emotional and generous outpouring in response to the disaster,” said Chris Langer, vice president of communications for the Minneapolis Foundation, one of the organizers of the Minnesota Helps fund.

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