Calif. Commissioner Orders Audit of State Compensation Insurance Fund

By | March 29, 2007

  • March 29, 2007 at 10:14 am
    paulavila says:
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    I hope the new insurance commissioner can \”reign\”in the fund.Mr.Garamendi could not.

  • March 29, 2007 at 2:11 am
    About Time says:
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    From an insider, this is going to be one of the largest fraud rings ever exposed.

  • March 29, 2007 at 2:53 am
    Val the Drunk Russian says:
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    The article doesn\’t say what prompted the audit or why the two staffers were fired. How about filling us in the the real deal? Thanks.

  • March 30, 2007 at 2:41 am
    Perhaps says:
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    Quackamendi couldn\’t do anything except leave things in a huge mess for the new guy.

  • March 30, 2007 at 4:37 am
    Policyholder says:
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    Google SCIF James Tudor (which I did after getting my letter today from SCIF) and a quick review of the 3/02/07 article in the Workers Comp Executive and earlier article from last summer referenced in the article. You can get a feel for the shape of the problem, related to $$ flowing in and around the \”groups\” insurance program.

  • April 1, 2007 at 3:39 am
    Retired SCIF EE says:
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    The State Fund I worked for 25+ years mutated into something I did not recognize the last years. I used to be very proud of how The Fund did business, we were \”The Good Guys\” I thought…. and we were. Makes me very sad. We were always a little dysfunctional but I always thought that was offset with honesty, integrity and genuine concern for the Employers in The State of California. As I used to tell my customers SCIF was a little incompetent but it wasn\’t because of greed. If we screwed up we would fix; it would just take a while so be patient. Power does corrupt and absolute power does corrupt absolutely. State Fund was up there with the Flag, Mom and Apple pie. SCIF employees at all levels of the organization began working for themselves and not the Fund. A fish starts rotting from the head down and this fish has been rotting for quite some time. Again….how sad.

  • December 12, 2007 at 3:26 am
    quit SCIF for brighter future! says:
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    The reason why SCIF is dysfunctional is that is a state agency which is government, where you don’t have to do jack to get a paycheck, and there’s little incentive to do things better. Thank the Union for that (see what happened to the UAW).

    I felt this way when i was there (there are good ppl that work there, but feel sorry because they deserve better for their effort). I had to move on to another career and go to a company (it’s a progressive one) that does provide incentive to learn and challenge myself. Most SCIF careers aren’t like that, especially at the district level (where I was at). I was probably one of the few young people there, and most ppl there were my parents age, yet I was at about the same level they were when I started. hmmm…

    Also, how does a company operate 6-7 year old cars? Dude, maintenance on them costs more than the cars are worth, which are the bottom barrel rental cars. I’d love to be the mechanic that got to fix them SCIF cars, because they break down so much…that guy’s shop make bank and his technicians make more than SCIF employees lol. Other insurance companies dump their cars way sooner than SCIF.

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