California’s Record Heat Struck Wine Regions at Harvest Time

September 12, 2017

  • September 13, 2017 at 3:45 pm
    Fair Playing Field says:
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    I’m guessing you don’t know that “many winemakers try to avoid irrigation too close to harvesting for fear of diluting the berries’ flavors” (it’s in the article).

    I’m guessing you don’t know that 73% of Napa vineyards are dry-farmed, meaning they rely on natural rainfall (and CA had a lot this season) rather than irrigation.

    I’m guessing you don’t know that the vineyard owned by Pelosi (you brought her up) is on the banks of the Napa River, so no consideration would be necessary if she even wanted irrigation.

    I could fill a warehouse with what you don’t know, but I’m guessing regular readers of this forum already knew that.

    Please stop using IJ as a launching point for your off-topic, negative and frequently misinformed political remarks. I’m guessing it has a negative impact on not only participation, but also even future visits, by some readers.

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