Adaptation News

California Awards $8M for Community Resilience Projects

The California Governor’s Office of Planning and Research announced $8 million in project awards through Round I of the Adaptation Planning Grant. The grant, funded through Gov. Gavin Newsom’s 2021-2022 climate budget and established through state law, are to support …

Survey Shows 8-in-10 Americans Believe in Climate Change

More than eight-in-10 Americans now believe the climate is changing – although they place that concern beneath issues like global political instability, economic crisis or a pandemic. Munich Re America’s inaugural 2014 Climate Change Barometer survey released on Tuesday shows …

States’ Efforts on Climate Change Adaptation: Half Full or Half Empty?

Who hates that glass-half-full analogy? I’m guessing more than half of you, but let’s not let that stand in the way of using the clichéd-to-death philosophical quandary to illustrate a point being made by a new online tool that shows …